Real Party

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(A/N: the clip at the top is for this chapter and the last chapter. I couldnt find either scene by them selves with all the dialogue needed)

Irish music fills the air. People dancing joyfully fill the room. The atmosphere down here in the third class section is far better than the first class. Everyone is just having fun and they dont care what the others think.

Riker is dancing with a little girl named Cora, Im sitting at a table with Tommy, a friend of Rikers. Were drinking beer, not that disgusting wine. The other guy at the table is trying to talk to me.

"What? ....I cant understand you," I motion to the dancers and the band playing. Maybe his thick accent made him even more non-understandable.

I take a drink of my beer and clap my hands to the beat. To my left, theres a loud crash. I look over to see two men helping a third up off a broken table. The man is smiling and grabs a mug.

The song comes to an end and another starts up. Riker bends down to Cora's height "Im going to dance with her now, all right?"

He holds his hand out to me "Come on,"


"Come on! Come with me,"

"Riker. Riker wait! ...I cant do this.."

Riker puts his hand on the small of my back "Were gonna have to get a little bit closer.. like this," He pulls me closer to him.

Cora stands off to the side watching us. Riker turns to her "Youre still my best girl Cora," 

Riker begins leading us around the room "I dont know the steps,"

"Neither do I, just go with it! Dont think!"

The dancing is extremely fun! Although hoping around in heels isnt too great, Its not bothering me at the moment. Somewhere in the commotion, Fabri and his blonde friend Helga get up on the little stage. 

Riker spots them and pulls me up too. To my surprise, he starts Irish jig dancing. I slip my heels off and toss them to a lady off to the side. Making it a completion, I do a lil jig too. Riker stops and holds his arm out, bent at the elbow.

With our elbows locked, we spin a circle to the left, then switch arms. Riker slows and grabs my hands, spinning us in a wider circle.

"Riker, no," I laugh. Im already dizzy enough; he just smiles and laughs at me.

When he finally gets disoriented himself, we head back over to our table where Tommy is arm wrestling someone. Riker reaches around Tommy's opponent and takes two mugs of beer, he hands me one. 

Dying of thirst it feels like, I chug a large portion of it down. Riker stares at me in shock "What? You think a first class girl cant drink?'"

He goes to say something when a drunk steerage bumps his elbow and his drink spills over me. Riker pushes the man away "Get out of here!" then turns to me "You all right?"

"Im fine," I look at Tommy as he is beat in the wrestle.

"2 out of 3!" Tommy says with a cigarette between his lips.

I get and idea "So.." I set my mug in front of Tommy and take his cigarette "You think youre big tough men? Lets see you do this!"

Holding the white cigarette in my left hand, I lift up the bottom of my dress and hold it out to Riker "Hold this for me Riker. Hold it up!"

Riker holds it out as I slowly rise up onto my tippy toes. It hurts barefoot "Oww!"

Being unbalanced, I fall to the side. Riker catches me "Are you all right?"

"I havent done that in years!" I laugh.

(On the stairs, Lovejoy stands, watching the duo)

In the distance, the band starts up yet another song. A few people link hands and prance around the room. Fabrizio comes our way and I grab his hand, Riker grabbing my free one.

I love this! I never want it to end..

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2016 ⏰

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