Chapter 6

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Sutton narrowed her eyes. Department of Investigations. Of what? From where? That had to be the vaguest title she'd ever heard. How dumb did they think she was? The woman finally stepped up and spoke, pulling a badge out of her pocket.

"You aren't in any trouble or danger," she explained showing Sutton her qualifications. "We simply want to conduct a quick interview and we'll be on our way."

The badge, admittedly, looked extremely authentic. Although, she didn't get to study it too closely because the woman claiming to be Alyssa McKenzie quickly tucked it back away.

They didn't seem like they'd be able to be persuaded to leave. The man was still grinning at her too widely for the occasion, and it was starting to freak her out.

"Ok, fine, what?"
"It might be more comfortable inside," he suggested. But it didn't seem like one. "We'll be out of your hair in no time."

After a brief hesitation, Sutton breathed out her nose and walked slowly to her front door. She had to be loud. Loud-ish. Let the others know that maybe something was up and maybe they could madly scramble out of view. She made sure to fumble with the lock slightly before opening it.

"This thing always jams," she muttered audibly.

Then she held her breath, sent up a prayer, and opened her door. She almost gasped, but managed to contain it.

Her house was pristine. Clean, smelling of day old cleaners, and was empty. Blissfully silent. A smile almost wormed up her face, but she fought to keep it under wraps. Holding open the door, she ushered them in.

"You caught me on a good day," she remarked. "I got some house work done this weekend."

The man smiled indulgently and the woman gave her a close-lipped nod. Sutton did not offer them drinks or hors d'oeuvres. She made sure that they went directly to her couch and did not pass GO or collect two hundred dollars. The living room was the only safe place for them; she could practically feel it.

"So, how can I help you?"

Straight to business. Get them in and out cleanly and quickly.

Lie, lie, lie.

The woman had a pad of paper and a pen, and she settled it in her lap as the man began speaking.

"The evening in question is the night of March thirtieth," he confirmed. "Specifically, in the region of Puyallup."

Sutton's heart was palpitating and she wiped her palms on her jeans. The woman wrote something on her paper and Sutton stopped.

"Can you confirm that you were in the area around midnight?"
Sutton pretended to think about it.

Why hadn't she watched a few episodes of 'Lie To Me' before today?

"Briefly," she said. "I had to drop off my friend at his house."

Wrap the lie in some truth, yeah. That's it. That's what Jason Bourne said!

"Right," the man said. He was still grinning. Did he know how terrifying that was? It was making her feel the opposite of safe. Like he might jump up at any moment and tear her face off. Who'd trained these people?

"Chase Freeman, correct? You drove because he was intoxicated."

Sutton felt herself lean away from the pair slightly.

"Yeah," she drawled.

"And did you see anything unusual after you dropped him off at his home?"

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