Chapter 3

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"I'm sorry," she said addressing Steve, "if I'm being terrible. I just don't really know what I'm doing."

"You're doing just fine," Steve assured her. "You're going through a lot, I'm sure. I thought it was bad enough waking up in the future."

Sutton smiled grimly.

"I bet."

Her attention turned then to Thor. He kept a grip on his hammer and a disapproving look on his brother.

"Hey, Thor, do you know anything about alternate dimensions? I mean, with you being from another planet and all. Has this ever happened before?"

Thor turned to her and shook his golden head sadly. She wondered briefly what kind of shampoo he used.

"I am afraid not, Lady Sutton. I have only ever known of the nine realms, and then the Chitauri. If anyone would have answers, I believe it would be my brother. But I am afraid that he may not be forthcoming."

All three turned to Loki for confirmation and he grinned maliciously at them.

"You would be correct, for once."

It really wasn't fair that he had the voice of Tom Hiddleston.

"Hey!" Clint was suddenly animated behind the computer. "Actor me is still awesome! He likes guns." He peered closer at the screen as if scrutinizing something. "Tasha, is that really my resting face?"



Sutton was forced to go to the store in the afternoon. They all needed suitable clothes, and personal hygiene products, and food. A lot more food. Like, all her paycheck was going towards groceries. As if she weren't poor enough already. But she couldn't quite just drag them all with her to Wal Mart. That would go over so well. None the less she needed help, so she brought along the two master assassins. Because if anyone had to be stealth, she could count on them. She did as much as she could to disguise them; forcing Natasha into an oversized sweat shirt and both of them into ball caps, but she was still nervous.

The trip was sped through, but Sutton swore that they still got stares. The last thing she needed was paparazzi flashing cameras for tabloids, shouting, "THEY'RE JUST LIKE US!" Natasha and Clint helped her with clothing sizes and with pushing the cart and Sutton was like a drill sergeant with time. She rushed them home whether they'd been discovered or not, and hoped her house was still standing when she got there.

Luckily, it was. It was a bit suspicious that Loki had been on his best behavior so far. Not that she wasn't grateful for it; it just seemed...out of character.

Oh well, she thought. It's not like I don't have an entire house of super heroes to help me out if I need it.

And the rest of the evening was quiet. Bruce and Tony were neck deep in calculations she'd never understand and everyone else seemed like they were trying to cope with their current situation. This didn't feel like how she'd have expected it to go in her imagination. She should be jumping up and down and drooling over them, but also winning them over to love her because of her adorable wit and charm. This would be the time that any single male Avenger fell madly in love with her and Loki softened up and rediscovered his good side. Right? Wasn't that how these things went? But no. Everyone was doing their own thing, in her house, and just ignoring her in general. She felt gipped.

Sutton decided to busy herself with setting up the small air mattress that she'd bought instead of dwelling on her disappointed imagination. She grinned widely to herself as she was able to shove the mattress into her tub.

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