Chapter 4

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She could feel her heart step up its tempo.

Tha-thump, tha-thump, this is where you die, tha-thump, tha-thump.

"Mmm," she hummed in terrified agreement. "Well, I should probably go. Make sure they're not...breaking stuff."

She took two shuffling steps forward, but Loki didn't move so she was forced to stop.

"Why leave so soon? I don't believe we've had a chance to converse, mortal."

Sutton waved off the comment, trying to breath in quietly through her nose.

"That's ok! You don't need to worry about it, I'm fine. I should just go make dinner."

"How domestic."

Her face suddenly grew hot.

"Hey! Just because I-"

But at the sight of his pleased face she realized he was goading her and stopped. Her shoulders drooped and she gave a resigned sigh.

"What do you want, Loki? And I don't think I need to remind you that there's a gang of superheroes in my living room."

Loki scoffed at her not-so-subtle threat.

"Your heroes do not concern me at the moment. Come now, let's have a chat."

He gestured for her to have a seat on her own bed. Sutton peered around him at the door.

"If you call out, they will not hear you."

Sutton frowned and swallowed thickly. Finding no other option, she eased over to her mattress and sat down stiffly.

"Now, that wasn't so hard."

She kept her eyes trained straight at the wall; spine erect.

"What is this about? I have nothing you could want."

Loki cocked his head to the side in her peripheral vision, eyebrow raising and a small smirk on his face.

"Oh, I doubt that." Involuntarily Sutton's heart fluttered. "But do not worry. I have not come to collect. Not yet. I simply want to...confirm a theory."

Sutton couldn't help but shoot a glance at him.

"And what theory would that be?" Her voice came out a bit more wobbly than she'd hoped. Loki tsked at her.

"Not yet, not yet. Now just hold still and you will not be harmed."


But he was quick, and before she could resist he was right before her. Closer than she would ever be comfortable with. He took the first two fingers of his right hand and placed them to the center of her forehead. And Sutton could not move. An electric pulse had run down her spine, gripping it tightly, and she was paralyzed. She let out a quiet gasp as she tried to escape his pull. It felt like he was pulling something from her. Or searching for something. But no matter how hard she tried she still couldn't move away. Finally, his face broke out in a maniacal grin and he stepped back. Sutton let out a ragged breath and shoved herself off the bed and away from him.

"What did you do?"

"I found what I was looking for," he said curtly.

"And what would that be?"

Loki gave her a savage smile.


The word did not sit well with Sutton, nor did the promise. The room was too small. She was finally able to weasel around the villain and dashed for the door. Loki did not move to stop her.

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