The Incedent

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Katelyn's pov

I was doing some sparring with Zane because I usually do it with Jeffery but the incesent happen an now I have no one to spar with. When I was sparring I wasn't on my best today so Boss walked up to me.
"Katelyn is every thing ok?" she asked.
"Yeah it's just that I heard about the incedent with Jeffery and stuff." I told her.
"I know it is rough for you because you two were really close friends but you still need to train. But I can see that you are really hurting today so I will dismiss you early," she told me.
"Thank you Boss and when I come back I train extra hard," I said.
"I know you will Katelyn now get out of her," she told me.
Once I had packed all of my stuff I thought that maybe I can go check on Aphmau. So I walked down to her house. Once I got there I. Knocked but no one answered so I went home. On my way home I saw a girl almost like Kawii Chan but she has purple hair and a little more tan. When I saw this girl she looked like she was in trouble so I decided to help her. The two men gelding her captive I knocked them out right cold so she can get away.
"Thank you for helping me I can usually do it by myself but two against one that is no fair. Ohh and by the way I'm Michi," she told me.
"Well nice to meet you Michi I'm Katelyn," I told her.
"Do you go to Pheonix Drop High?" she asked me.
" Yeah why do you ask?" I questioned.
"Because I just moved here and will be attending there next week I guess we'll see each other around." she said.
"I guess we will have a nice day," I told her.
"You too," she replied
After that encounter we both parted ways and now time to go home.

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