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It was the first day back to school in our New Years, Troye was in year 3, and Connor is currently in year 5. And Troye don't know if he's going remember him the same way he did before school started.

Troye's mother was fixing his jumper, fixing his small tie he got for his age. And once she had finished, he had sighed deeply. He was still thinking about Connor. He was lucky that Dan, Phil and Tyler were in the same year as him, otherwise it would have just been him. But Joey is in Connor's year, and he's worried that Connor would change.

"Come on, Troye. What's on your mind?" He heard his older sister, Sage, ask. Sage was currently in year 6, a year above Connor and Joey. But Sage knew nothing about these two boys.

"Just, things. Nervous about the first day." Troye had lied through his teeth before sighing deeply. That's the first time Troye had lied in a while, and Sage knew that he was lying.

"Lies." Sage states before kneeling down infront of her brother. "Tell me the truth, Troye." She said, a serious tone in her voice and a serious look in her eyes.

"Fine, I'm thinking about this boy. He said that we'd see eachother over the winter holidays. I met him when mum told me to go and find some friends, and then, when I met him a few months before winter break ended, he said he'll see me again. But then he never did..I'm wondering if he still remembers me and-" Troye rambled on before he got cut off by his sisters painted acrylic nail on his lips.

"Hush, little brother. Who cares if he doesn't remember you? You know what? Show him who's boss and show him that you don't care if he didn't remember you!" Sage said, inspiring Troye to smile wider than ever.

"I will do exactly that!" Troye exclaimed before crossing his arms over his chest. He felt absolutely confident right now, and it was all thanks to his wonderful sister, Sage. "Thank you, SageyBaby!" He giggled. Troye instantly grabbed his backpack, and ran down the steps to his parents car and hopped in the back seat. Sage jumped in the front seat and his mother jumped onto the drivers seat, then they set off towards the direction of the school.

Once at the school and parked in the parking lot, Troye jumped out of the car, along with his sister. He watched all of the people walk into the school, and Sage ran off with her friends. It was just a Troye now, only until he found Dsn, Phil or Tyler, that is. But then, in the distance, he had spotted the brown and black hair ontop of the people he calls Dan and Phil. He instantly ran over to them and grinned.

"Dan! Phil!" He squeaked before he pulled them both in a hug. They both hugged Troye back and laughed.

"Isn't this a pleasant surprise!" Dan exclaimed before he clapped instantly. "We were hoping you were at this school! Tyler's sick, which makes him keep distance from all his friends." Dan rolled his eyes before everyone stared at Tyler, then flew their gaze back to eachother.

"I feel sorry for him." Troye sighed softly before fixing his tie and adjusting his messenger bag around his waist. He smiled slightly at the two boys and motioned them to come inside. "Let's go do something fun before class starts?" He asked before pouting.


A few hours later, at the first ever break time that Troye had in this school. He hadn't seen Connor yet, and he wondered why. Oh, because he's not even in the same class. He's a few years above him. And all Troye has been doing is looking around for Connor. And it hasn't been working at all..

Troye was wandering about the playground with Dan and Phil, talking about random shit such as witchcraft, tv, technology. He sighed slightly but then he gasped. Infront of him, was a tall man, who Troye had not seen before. He gulped alittle, the tall male pushing him about.

The next thing he knows, BAM. Connor is infront protecting Troye.

"Connor.." Troye squealed before Connor turned around and hugged the boy. The hug was absolutely extraordinarily amazing. That's how Troye would describe it anyway. And Troye doesn't normally hug people anymore. So that's a first! "I missed you, why didn't you see me over the holidays..?"

"I-I.." Connor tried to explain, his face going kind of sweaty and gross. His eyes were going the dark shade of green, being embarrassed. "I was writing you this. Read it later.." He said before smiling and walking back over to Joey. He heard Connor sigh.

Troye had walked over to the Art Block, LP6, and sat down against the wall, opening the letter slowly. It was neatly written, and neatly folded. Then he started reading it to himself.

"Dear Troye,
I don't know why I'm starting this off as a diary entry, but let's just keep going. You see, I won't get straight to the point, because that will ruin this whole point of the letter. So let me just get into some things.

You light up my world, and I know it may sound weird. But you really do. We met a few months ago, and it broke my heart to see you upset when we were in the park. And I never knew why my heart broke, until yesterday.

You are the only thing that makes sense in my life. Literally, the only thing. You're the only song I want to hear, a melody softly soaring through my atmosphere. You have bewitched me, body and soul. And I love, love, love it. I can't help that if you walk into a room, a stupid grin grows onto my face.

The stories that I've read, every word of love reminds me of you. You're my serendipity. I wasn't looking for you. I wasn't expecting you. But I'm very lucky to have met you. You are the finest, loveliest, tenderest, and most beautiful person I have ever known–and even that is an understatement.

When people ask what I see in you, I just smile and look away because I'm afraid if they knew, they'd fall in love with you to. I'm addicted to the way I feel when I look at you. You're my favourite daydream. My heart opens to you like the flowers open to the kisses of the dawn.

I think of you at 2 a.m. when I can't sleep and I wish you were there to hold me. We laugh so well together. You are my heart, my soul, my treasure, my today, my tomorrow, my forever and my everything.

So, I shall get straight to the point now.
I am utterly, embarrassingly, ridiculously and deeply in love with you.

And I understand if you don't feel the same, but I just wanted to throw that out there before it makes it real awkward for us to see eachother at school now.

So that's about it,

Signing off.

~ Connor "

And that, was the moment Troye first grinned like a frickin idiot. And he loved every second of that letter.



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⏰ Última atualização: Feb 21, 2016 ⏰

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