Chapter 12: Genin Takedown! All Ten Rookies Face Off!

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Hinata Hyuuga. She's okay. But I don't get why she gets so shy and embarrassed like every time I look at her. It's kind of weird.

Kiba Inuzuka and his dog Akamaru
Forget what I said about Ino. This guy is the most annoying! He thinks he so cool.

Shino Aburame. Well he's just weird. Kind of a mystery. But that doesn't mean he's not annoying too!

Naruto explained again.

"You guys too huh? I guess everyone's here for these stupid exams." Shikamaru said. "Well here we all are the ten rookies! This is going to be fun at least for those of us good enough to make the cut. Right Sasuke?" "Kiba be careful you don't get over confident." "Just wait were going to blow you guys away! We've been training like crazy!" "What do you think we've been doing sitting around picking daisies!? You don't know what training means!" Naruto shouted.

"Don't mind Kiba. I'm sure he didn't mean anything buy it." Hinata said playing with her fingers. "Huh?" Naruto asked making her blush even more.

"Oi baka-chan your quiet so no sidemark?" "Shut up Ducky. I'm just waiting to embarrass you, ya know. Like when you just got your bu-" Sakura hit Naomi on the head.

"Oh come on! First Sasuke then Sakura! Who's next Naruto!" Naomi said rubbing her head. "Are you okay Naomi-chan?" Naomi nodded. Sasuke punched her on the head again. "What was that for!? I didn't do anything!" "I just felt like it!" Sasuke smirked. Naomi grunted.

"Hey you guys might want to try keeping it down a little. I mean no offense but your the ten rookies right? Fresh out of the academy? I wouldn't go making a fool of yourselves. Cool it." A strange guy with silver hair said. 'Well who asked you! Who are you anyways!" Ino said.

"I'm Kabuto Yakushi. Look around you. You made quite an impression." The ten rookies looked around saw people staring at them. "See those guys from the rain village? Their touchy they all are. This exam makes everyone intense. You don't want to rub them the wrong way. You can't help it. You don't know how things work around here. I mean your just rookies. You remind me of myself a while back."

"Kabuto is that your name?" Sakura questioned. "Yeah." "This isn't the first time you've taken the exam more than once." "Yes. Actually it's my seventh. There held twice a year. This is my fourth year." "Wow a veteran! You must be an expert by now." "Yeah sort of."

"Cool you can give us all the inside tips!" Naruto said. "Some expert he never passed." Shikamaru scoffed. "The seventh times the charm isn't that what they say." "No actually its suppose to be the third time." Naomi said. Kabuto scratched his neck nervously.

"So all these rumors that the exams were going to be tough are true. What a drag!" "Hang on don't give up yet. Maybe I can help you kids out." He pulled out a set of cards from his pocket. "With my ninja input cards." "What the heck are those?" Sakura questioned.

"It's hard to explain but these cards have been chakra in coated with everything I learned over the past four years. I got over two hundred of them. So I haven't completely been wasting my time. They might not look like much to the naked eye but the appear blank. Don't want anyone seeing this stuff. In order for it to work I have to put my chakra in order to reveal their secrets." Kabuto than explained to the genin the genin about the balance of power and the equality in each nation.

"Do those cards of yours have any info on the candidates?" Sasuke asked. "They might..... you have someone in mind." "Bushy brows and Garra huh?" Naomi asked Sasuke. He nodded. "There's Gaara of the desert and Rock Lee of the leaf village." "That' no fun! You know there names!" Kabuto went through the stack of cards.

"Here they are." "Show them to me." Naruto nodded in agreement. I have literal no idea what's going on,but i'll act like I do. "First up is Rock Lee. Looks like he's a year older than you guys. His experience 11 C Ranks and 20 D Ranks. His squad leader is Gai. In the last 12 months he's taijutsu has rapidly improve. His other skills are pretty shakey. Last year he got a lot of attention as a genin for some reason he choose not to participate in the exams. This is going to be his first time as a candidate. His teammates are TenTen and Neji Hyuuga. Okay now for Garra of the Desert. His mission experience 8 C ranked and get this 1 B ranked as a genin. There's not a lot of information on this guy. He was a rookie from another land originally. But he completed every mission without getting a scratch on him."

"He got a B ranked as a genin and he's never got a scratch on him!" Shikamaru exclaimed. "Hey what's with this guy." "Leaf, Sand, Rain, Grass, Waterfall and Sound. From the looks of it they all sent exceptionally great candidates. Of course the hidden sound village is small. Recently nobody knows nothing about them. There a mystery. Well you get the point. The competition is going to be tough this year." "Y-you k-know it's almost enough t-to m-make you lose your c-confidences." "There's no time to start talking like that!" Ino yelled back. Naomi was standing next to Hinata. "Hey don't worry to hard about it Hina-chan. I know you can do it." Hinata smiled and nodded.

"D-do you really think it's going to be tougher this time." Sakura asked. "Oh yeah in the four years I've been coming. I've never seen a crop of candidates with this much potential. Yup we got our work cut up for us."

Okay so were rookies. And most of these guys are older and more experienced than us. No big deal to be a little scared. I-i can handle it. It would be a whole lot easier if I didn't have to watch Naruto falling apart right in front of me. Poor guy. Maybe I can try to cheer him up. Sakura thought.

"Hey don't worry Naruto we'll be fine." Sakura told him. Naomi gasped. "Danger." She whispered. "Danger?" Sasuke asked. Naruto walked right over to her and pulled her hand up with his in the air. "Hey! I'm Naruto Uzumaki and this is my sister Naomi Uzumaki! Were going to beat all of you! Believe it!" "What's wrong with you! At least don't mention me!" "Hey you said you be there every step of the way!" "I was seven!" "Still! We're in this together! Whether you like it or not!" Naomi shook her head. a small smile on her face. Its hard staying mad at you, Naruto. "At least I didn't speak for you." A tick mark appeared on her head. "Butt out Duckass!"

"Hey whats the idiot trying to do! Get us killed!" Ino shouted. I should have known he wasn't smart enough. Sakura gaped at Naruto. "Tell your boyfriend to keep his mouth shut!" "Who's boyfriend!" "I forgot you can't get one!" "What did you say!"

The whole room of genin stared at the twins well mostly Naruto. "Uh can you say that a bit louder I couldn't catch that." Kiba smirked. "You moron are you trying to get everyone in this place to hate our guts!?" Shikamaru exclaimed. Sakura went up behind Naruto and started strangling him. "Naruto you Jackass! Why did you have to say that!" Naruto was gasping for air. "Oh hey everyone don't mind him. he just says spazzing things! He doesn't mean them!" "Sakura your just making it worse." Naomi said. "I'm making it worse! Your idiot of a brother making everyone hate us!" "Well making excuses is making them hate our guts more!" Sakura just huffed looking away.

Ninja went past everyone to get to their target. One of the ninjas jumped into the air throwing two kunais to the ground. Kabuto jumped back. Another ninja appeared up close to him. The ninja sent punches directly towards Kabuto. Their Ninjas from the village hidden in the sound. Kabuto dodged all of them quickly.

Kabuto's glasses cracked. The glass fell to the ground. "Oh I get it so it was that kind of an attack." "Hey I saw it all! He dodged the attack! How did that happen!" Sasuke said. "It must have come closer than it looked. Look at him act like it's nothing." Shikamaru said.

Kabuto gasped falling to the ground. He coughed up blood. "What did he just-!" Naruto said. "Kabuto what's wrong?!" Naomi shouted. Kabuto started coughing up more. The twins ran over to him. "Are you okay?" Naruto asked. "Yeah I'm fine." "Are you sure?" Naomi asked. "Y-yeah."

"Not such a tough guy after all. Maybe that's why he's on his seventh try. Write this on your little cards. The genin from the sound village are going to be chunin once this is over! Guaranteed." The two Uzumakis growled at them.

I don't get it! He saw their attack coming! What made him fall apart! Sasuke thought in his head.

"Alright you baby faced genin! Pipe down and listen up!" A voice said as smoke appeared. Slowly the smoke started fading away. There stood the chunin of the leaf village.

"It's time to begin. I'm Ibiki Morino . From this moment.....your worst enemy."

The Tale Of The Uzumaki Twinsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें