Fourth: Dear Porcupine

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[A/N: Yeah, i know Dear Porcupine isn't in the Cry Baby Album. But, every time i listen to Melanie the inspiration just keeps coming. Anyways enjoy this chap~ sorry if it's a little sucky.]

As much as Skylar hated to admit it, the whole Agreste family looking after her thing wasn't half bad after all. Her being an orphan didn't bother her as much, and she started to forget about her trauma. Mr. Gabriel Agreste was practically her other father now, who, she assumed, indirectly adopted her.

There were precisely two reasons why that was good and bad news: the good news was, she'd be a lot closer to Adrien that she's ever been. And on the other hand the bad news was that if Mr. Agreste truly did even up wanting to adopt her as a daughter, the that would mean she and Adrien can't have a romantic relationship. Yes, little Skylar has a 'tiny' crush on her best friend. She only found out about it from Chloe, as she tended to rant about her 'affection' for Adrien, always saying how he was so madly in love with her, and vice versa. The spoiled Bourgeois girl continued to bully Skylar with the help of clueless Sabrina whenever she got the chance to, but not for long.

In order for Skylar to repay Mr. Agreste for his care, she needed to do something for him in return. It was a simple give-and-take relationship. Skylar understood her place. In return, she was to model for their company on the female category. "Our 'It Girl', to be blunt." He had said.

When it came to her first photo shoot, Skylar was a nervous wreak. She was fidgety, her teeth were chattering, and her palms sweated despite the cold temperature. He walked over to Skylar, the patted her shoulder in reassurance. He flashed her his signature smile, sending her heartbeat racing. "Hey, it's going to be okay. Just relax, alright? He cupped her hands, gently squeezing them. Skylar thought that she was about to lose herself in his mesmerizing green eyes as he started at her with such intensity."You can do this. I know you can." With this motivation, Skylar had swallowed her pride and stepped into the world of fashion.

The years flew by and before Skylar knew it, she and Adrien were bonafide teenagers. Both made a considerably remarkable pair in the modelling industry much to Mr. Agreste pleasure. Though Adrien was still, as Skylar expected, way more well-known than she was. He fit in any style of clothing, compared to her who rocked mostly punk and girly genres. The combo was strange, but she didn't complain. She could tolerate anything that didn't involve her darker experiences in the past.

Nightmares of her abuse haunted her every night. The carcass of her dad, drunken image of her mom- even the blurry face of brother she never saw again. Often, Adrien slept beside her to relieve her in some way, soothing her. By the time Skylar grew familiar with the terrifying dreams, she got used to it, and he finally stopped accompanying her in her sleep. It was a Saturday, which meant breaks for them. Skylar and Adrien were playing their favorite video games Ultimate Mecha III in his, when Adrien abruptly piped up a topic. "So you haven't decided which school to attend to yet?" He asked her, glancing sideways.

Furiously tapping the buttons, Skylar blew a stand of her light brown hair out of her face before replying without tearing her eyes off the screen "No, Riri. I'm afraid I haven't." Adrien sighed. "You can't always be home-schooled forever, you know."

"Yeah I can."

'Besides, i don't need else but you to be with forever'

Game Over glowed on the screen, the voice-over once again announcing Adrien as the winner. It was 99-99 now between the two of you. The loser had to do whatever the winner with a hundred won matches wanted.

"Aww," Skylar pouted. "That was totally not fair! You cheated!"

"Did not," Adrien rolled his eyes playfully at her, a smile on his lips. "Listen, Skylar. It's been years since you last attended a real class filled with real people. Don't you miss being called on by a teacher?" His voice was laced with humor at the last sentence.

Skylar absolutely loved it when he was being goofy; it made him less the person he pretend to be in front of the fame and glory. She huffed "You're not my mom, Riri. Stop nagging me." The second the words slipped from her mouth, Skylar instantly wished she could take them back.

Talk about Mrs. Agreste was a taboo in and outside the house- a rule that she was never to be brought out as a topic, ever. Adrien didn't say anything about it, but Skylar knew that it was a sensitive subject to him. The very mention of "mom" must have triggered a warning signal.

'I'm the worst best friend ever' Skylar mentally slapped herself

"Um, Adri-

"I thought I was 'Riri' now," Adrien suddenly chuckled, waving his controller. "alright. if that's how it is, then if i win-" he unpaused the game, barely allowing her to refocus as he began beating up her robot character, "You enroll as the same school as me. It will be a little late, but i don't think it will be a problem."

Skylar hurriedly tried to counter his robot's attacks, asking "And if i win?"

"Just say the word and I'll be walking down the runway in a chicken suit." He grinned that charming grin, nudging her arm. Skylar giggled, "C'mon. You're allergic to feathers! I'll never do that to you." Just then, her phone started ringing. Skylar immediately answered it despite the unknown caller ID, letting her character lose unintentionally. She silently cursed herself on the carelessness before whispering uneasily into her phone, "Hello?" She was greeted by that annoying, chirpy voice that she didn't want to hear. "Hello~! Is this Skylar? Ah, of course it is! I recognize that lovely tone of yours anywhere! I'm such a genius!"

Chloe Bourgeois.

How did she get a hold of my number?

Skylar tensed. She gritted her teeth, growling as her hatred for the Mayor's child resurfaced. "what do you want Chloe?" She was dimly aware of Adrien turning off the game console when Chloe sang, "Oh, you know! Just waned to keep in touch with my best girl ~ I love you~"

"I thought Sabrina was your best girl" Skylar plainly stated rather than asked. She cringed at her 'I Love You.' It sounded so alien, coming from someone she despised. Chloe audibly snorted in an unladylike manner from the other line. "She's a loser and way out of our league! Who would want her as a friend, anyway?" She produce a 'bleh' noise, disgusting Skylar tenfold. Wistfully, Skylar pointed out "You never wanted me as a friend."

'Adrien did'

Sensing her wariness, Adrien rubbed her back. Skylar's eyes slightly stung, and she knew that tears would spill again if she didn't get this call over with. "Um-" Chloe began, unsure. Skylar went on, interrupting her lie of a speech, "Your teasing and laughing resonates through my heart. All i wanted was a friend, but you decided against that."She barked a harsh laugh, "Now you say you love me, but what about before? When i was just that silly little girl next door?" After she poured her feelings, Skylar hung up.

"You okay?" Questioned Adrien with obvious concern. Skylar manged a curt nod. "I'm fine." She bit her lower lip. "Jut a bit off." There was another buzz. This time, it was Adrien's phone. He excused himself, and quickly scanned the text. He sighed, scratching his head. "Let me guess" Skylar said, her sadness dispersing at the sight of how cute Adrien was, "Photo shoot?"

"At the park this afternoon," Adrien confirmed, shoving his phone inside his pants' pocket; he stood up, offering a hand to Skylar. "Wanna come with?"

"I don't know, do I?" She tapped her chin and acted like she was thinking. Deep inside, she was squealing 'yes' similar to a fan-girl. She was a bit disappointed that she didn't finish their bet, but watching Adrien pose around in the park when it's supposed to be their free day, might be amusing. "I'll buy you ice cream" Adrien said, smiling. "And maybe we could go ride on the carousel later." That sealed the deal. "then it's a yes," Skylar smiled back, taking his hand as he helped her stand up on her feet. Little did they know that was going to be a drastic change of weather that sunny afternoon; a storm was brewing.

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