"Do you know The Society core values?" I narrowed my eyes at him. Of course I knew them, everyday during class, before class,or work could begin, we would have to repeat them, making sure we understood, just how privileged we are to be Normal and live in such a wonderful place. How the Old World was a world where people could be just be killed, just giving someone the wrong look, or over something a silly as money.

"Of course." I stared into the flames, a since of  wonderment washing over me. The flames seemed to dance over each log, leaving a blacken mark over each one they touched.  He wafted his hand through the air, gesturing me to continue talking.

I sighed and slowly repeated the The Society's values. "Integrity above all, service before self, without service our community would fall apart, and community above your self, always put yourself last, you are just a single thread in the overall picture. Without The Society there would be nothing, but chaos and chaos brings no change to the world." The words suddenly sounded wrong rolling off the tip of my tongue. There was something sinister hidden in those words, and I could suddenly feel it, sitting across from Ky.

He pursed his lips into a hard line. " Yeah you sure do know your core values. Just like all those other Normals." He snorted slightly . "Those are your core values, you know what I'm force to live by?" I shook my head sending small strands of hair into my face.

His eyes widen, and suddenly something sinister hidden deep with in them. " Death before dishonor. Show no mercy in the face of the enemy. You soul purpose is to restore Society to it's once formal glory, spare no expense." A sense of terror began to grow inside me. Death before dishonor? What was that suppose to mean? No one was suppose to die, in the place of something else.

"After the global flooding, and the Great Starvation claiming half of the world's population, we've been on a spiral downward. Having the remaining countries threaten war against us, for unknown causes, that where the Elite step in. To give their lives before everything falls apart around your precious Normal little head."

My knees felt weak beneath me, making me kneel in the sticky sand. " No, that can't be right, there is no death in The Society, unless your old and our ready for your Departing Ceremony." I shook my head faster, my chest growing increasingly tight.

"No Piper, it's not that simple where I come from. Death and suffering is a everyday things. We are forced to endure things, you 'Normals' don't even hear about anymore. Children getting sick, and dying only a few days later. We're have to live in miserable conditions, with barely any food or water. They tell us it's weeding out the 'weaker' genes, so there will be less Elite to train in the long run. But in my eight years of living in the compound, only four people had made it through training. All those children who have been Selected, all of them are dead. Everything you know is nothing but a big hoax, to keep you people quiet, while the people behind the scenes control everything." Ky stepped forward, his body looming over me, like a evil shadow.

"No!" I screamed pressing my hands to my ears. " It's not true." Tears blazed in the back of my eyes.  A sudden pressure was building inside my chest, making my words come out in short quick panicked gasps. "People don't die young, everyone has a home, everyone gets fed. Everything is okay in Society." I shook my head harder, making everything around me spin. " We don't even get sick anymore." Tears streaked against my burning cheeks, as deep sobs echoed inside my chest.

"Piper look at me." Ky knelt down across from me, his eyes bright with a pleading look.

"No! You're a Liar!" I squinted my eyes closed and turned my head to the side, making my hair fall across my face.

"Piper!" He grabbed my wrist and pulled them away from my ears. I tugged weakly, trying to break his iron grasp,but the part of me whole lived to learn more, forced me to drop my hands and listen to his evil words.

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