Chapter 6: Working things out

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School has been such a devil to me... Forgive me? I wrote a new update 😊😊
After a long day of classes, receiving homework, and finding class rooms. The final bell rang, signaling that there is some hope in this world. After putting my chemistry books and text books back in my locker I started to head out the door when something caught my eye. Prager and some girls ( I guess they were her friends) were standing outside the main doors of the high school conversing with one another and taking sneaky glances at a group of chatting boys standing by some pretty sweet cars and a few motorcycles.
The girls were giggling as they were talking so I hoped That I would be able too sneak past them without Prager noticing... But luck was not on my side.

"Hey!" I heard a snotty Voice that could only be  Prager's. I stopped walking and turned around to face Prager. Who is walking up to me swinging her hips as much as she could towards the boys standing next to the cars but they didn't seem to notice.

"How may I help you?" I said in an over sweet voice trying not to get angry, or frightened, or both.

She smirked as she stopped in front of me putting one hand on her hip smacking her gum in between over whitened teeth.
"Just a warning" she said "before you go home to the circus you freak show; never ever try and humiliate me like that ever again I will hurt you physically and mentally." she said her face contouring into a nasty sneer as she pointed an accusing finger at me, but I was just confused.

"What do you mean humiliate you!?" I asked taking a small step back now afraid on what she'll do to me for my sudden outburst because the episode from earlier still fresh in my mind, but she didn't do anything accept scoff

"Don't play dumb" she said, her face turning blotchy from anger

"Everyone saw how Jake was all over you in the hallway earlier! You totally stole him from me and now everyone is talking about it!" She yelled at me,

"stole him from you?" I asked getting angry "he walked away from you and your slutty outfit!" my anger always got out of hand but when I realized what I said it was to late.

"you little-" she screamed as she grabbed my hair not noticing all the stares and phone cameras pointing her way, "YOU THINK YOU CAN TALK TO ME LIKE THAT?!"

"YEAH I DO THINK I CAN" I yelled and kicked her in her stomach.

she let go of my hair and doubled over in pain but I didn't wait to see what happened next, I just bolted.


I ran around the school and started walking in the direction of my house, not really knowing where I was but I didn't care, because I hated taking the bus. because I hated the awful stares that I got from the other kids.

I kept my eyes on the ground as I ran down the empty streets scared to death from the consequences that are sure to come tomorrow from the little scene that went down with Prager.

being lost in thought about the work I need to do when I get home I didn't notice the car until it was right next to me and slowing down to match my now walking pace. Kinda freaked I looked up to see Jake rolling down his window.

"hey" he said said sounding a tad nervous, but I didn't say anything still quite unsure of this guys metal state.

"I am so sorry for earlier, I don't know what happened...and I just want to apologize..." he said.
yeah i am mean and i know it but still here is a quick update

more coming soon

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