Holidays Hit The Road

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"Hi Sophie!" Called Jessica as Sophie walked through the doorway.
"Hi Jessica... What do you want?" Sophie called back.
"I just wanted to know what you were getting in trouble for... Now, tell me what did you do wrong?" Jessica teased.
"Please, I was just getting praise for the wonderful job I'm doing in class, oops! Sorry, I forgot that you like having the spotlight Jessica!" I lied expertly.
"Why... Well.. ooo, I'll get you!" Shouted Jessica.
Sophie started walking away as Jessica stormed off, her friends following close behind. Sophie walked towards her locker with her science books and pencil case, forgetting that there was a glass door in front of her.
BANG!!! Sophie smacked into the glass door dropping all of her things.
"Ha! Ha Ha Ha!!" Jessica cackled behind Sophie.
"Bet that would of hurt!" Shouted Jessica.
Sophie just ignored her as she picked up her things and headed to her locker. Being in year 9 it was expected for her to know that there was a glass door and that was what was so embarrassing about running into a glass door!

Because Sophie was late getting to her locker, the locker rooms were deserted. Which was a good thing considering how cramped the lockers were. Sophie got her things out and then went to meet her younger brother in the school uniform shop. Sophie's younger brother was 11 and was in year 6, his name was Kaden.

"Hello!!! We're have you been? I've been waiting for you for ages! I can't believe you were late on purpose!! I'm telling mum! Wait until we-" Kaden got cut of. Sophie stormed over to him to give him a what for for yelling at her! Has he no respect for older people?! Thought Sophie.
"How dare you! How dare you talk to me that way! If you tell mum that I was late because I was talking to a teacher, she would be proud of me, not you! Think things through you imbecile!" Sophie screamed. She knew that Kaden would get praise for doing that for some reason but.. What was a little white lie every now and again?
Everyone who was sitting at the uniform shop waiting to get served, started staring at Sophie like she was crazy.
Sophie cleared her throat and looked at Kaden. "Come on, let's go!" Sophie said hastily. Sophie and Kaden walked home every day even though her parents were at home waiting for them!
It sounded unfair to make me walk home with this weasel! Thought Sophie.

Sophie and Kaden started walking home arguing on the way, only to find out that there was construction going on in there route home and had to take a detour. Sophie and Kaden got home half an hour later than usual and there parents were rather worried.


"Sophie you have been studying for every spare second you have and you are getting results like this!!! How can that be possible?!!!!!" Shouted Sophie's mum, Clarissa Middletown.
"That's it, we are taking a road trip until everyone has settled in to there lives again!" Shouted Sophie's dad, John Middletown.
It was nearly the end of school for the Semester and Sophie's parents thought it would be a good idea to have a holiday. A road trip.


Sorry if there are spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes and punctuation missing and things like that. I just didn't want this chapter coming out late. I also wanted to let you know I will try to update this story every Friday. That's all!


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