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    Awake, Arise, Or Forever Be Fallen

          I wake to a shriek, sharp and piercing, almost like a death cry. That never meant anything good in this house so it's not a surprise. I crawl out of my bed not recognizing the voice, long dragging footsteps downstairs fill my ears. It could be my fathers drunken footsteps, most likely what it is. I stop in front of my body length mirror as I pass it and stare for a moment. The little of My pale skin, with tattoos covering me, my twig like figure, my sharp blueish green eyes staring back at me, my redish pink hair with the purple ends stops just below my breasts, and my t-shirt to complete the just woke up look.
          I slowly slide the t-shirt over my head and slip on some jeans, making my way to the window to see the weather. I slowly peak through the blinds and see the streets for once are empty, smoke rising from a building across the street. "What the hell?" I mutter backing away and making my way to the closet, slipping on a black Tanktop. There's a sudden bang on my bedroom door, and a loud groan. Definitely my drunken father. I slowly make my way to the door and touch the cold doorknob and pull it open. What I expect to be my fathers face is replaced by a rotted, flesh and deep white eyes with a endless purpose. No time for panic, just fight! I think to myself stepping back.
          I grab off the wall what started as just a trophy, a katana, I'd won it in a fight many years ago. As the 'thing' made its way to me I bring my katana across cutting it in half. It's body falls but continues to move, dragging itself towards me "What the fuck!" I yell bring the sharp end down into its head, and it stops. All the struggling, moving, and dragging. It's dead fingernails digging in my carpet stop, and become lifeless. I stare for a moment and then move past it, taking my katana tightly in my hands with me. Stepping down the stairs quietly, dodging the steps that creak, from years of experience.
          As I reach the downstairs I hear a loud groan, similar to the one that the one upstairs made. I curse under my breath and push myself to the wall, hearing dragging footsteps. I peak around the corner seeing another one, this one more feminine wearing a dress and its hair long. I stare for a moment. How'd they even get in here...doesn't anyone in this house keep the door locked? I slowly turn the corner, swinging my katana at the head of the dead corpse moving towards me. It falls almost instantly and I stare at it.
          I finally realized who's body it was "h-holy shit" I mutter seeing it's my mother, not that I ever liked her. She was a drug addict and dealer, she would do anything for her father who was my real fear. I look away with gritted teeth and trail through the kitchen "what's going on?" I ask myself going into the living area and switching on the tv, it's screen cracked. Instantly it turned to the news program.
          "This is a looped and repeated message, any child below the age of 18 should be removed from the room. Thank you for tuning into Americas Top News Cast." The screen then went black for a moment and came back on with two familiar people sitting at a desk, the once bright and happy place where the weather and hilarious, and tragic stories were told now looked like living hell.
          "Welcome to channel 9 I'm Shelby Parkinson" a woman says with a weak smile. Her hands shook and sweat poured down her face, her clothes tattered a bit. "And I'm Matt Danes" the man beside her says looking almost the same  besides the large gash on his forehead. "The biggest Scientist known as Sherman Dirila, set out a project called project Eternity. It was created to bring back the dead." The woman announces with the little pride she had left.
          "It went from a serum to a disease and the whole lab became effected. Creatures, known as a scientific word I can't pronounce, we call them Walkers or Zombies. A fictional but now real creature. Beware, if they bite you you will die and come back as one. To kill one you must hit the center of the brain." The man says pointing towards a board where pictures of them start to flash by.
          "If your planning on leaving your homes, or someone in your home has been infected, head to a safe building, do not drive and if you have access to the underground tunnels do not I repeat do not use those, t-they are filled-dThe woman says getting up and turning from the cameras vomiting up blood and the man says "you only have about 2-6 hours bto live after being bitten. Be careful and survive. Stay tuned in" then the tv turned off, the screen returning black. I grit my teeth and turn away, walking back towards my room "this is my chance to get out of here" I mutter to myself as I get back up the stairs and go back into my bedroom.
I reach for my black backpack, usually I carried, instead of school supplies like most kids my age, I carry brass knuckles, a pistol, ammo, things that I'd need to protect myself when going to the bad side of town for fights to get myself some cash. I dump out what's in the bag, a couple loose mints at the bottom of the bag, as suspected my brass knuckles, my pistol is gone though but the ammo is here, and a plastic water bottle that's half full. I turn away grabbing my katana and sheathing it, pulling it over my shoulder and deciding to raid the pantry downstairs. I leave my room going back downstairs and through the kitchen.
I get to the pantry and start to dig, grabbing a couple of purified plastic water bottles, canned goods, a packet of cookies that I'd bought for myself a few weeks back, and package of fruitsnacks that were old as shit. I make my way back upstairs and set my now pretty heavy bag on the bed, and put my brass knuckles and the ammo to my pistol in the bag, hoping that'd be good. I grab a picture on my nightstand of my brother and I sigh "don't worry we're gonna be safe" putting it into my bag. I then make my way for the door, before I hear a yell. A familiar one to.

My Fathers Yell.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2016 ⏰

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