The only Souh boy and the youngest Ootori (part 1)

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(Tamaki's pov)

I was sitting in the empty host club writing in my journal 'Kyoya and I have been friends so quite some time now. He and I even started our own club together! We have five other members too! They're great. I'm daddy and kyoya's mommy. But I can't help but think about him much more lately, it's been distracting me but the ladies love it. I guess it gets their noses bleeding. It's quite funny. I think I might make a move, well here it goes!' I closed my journal and smiled as the time showed it was time to open the host club. Hiding my journal so those twins don't find it we stood in formation as the doors opened. And I spoke "welcome to the host club princesses! If you'd join the host you signed for we'll have the tea and snacks out in moments!" I smiled. The hosts taking their ladies and going to their area. I took my lovely group by the couches and table as haruhi brought out tea and snacks with mori. Hikaru and kauro were sitting in each other's laps causing squeals to fill the host club. Hunni was sat with the now sitting Mori and usachan acting as cute as ever. And kyoya. He was sitting at a table not far from me on his computer as usual. His glasses hanging off the tip of his nose.

I was quickly brought out of my trance by squealing girls. I'm guessing the noticed my gaze fixed on Kyoya. And I was proven right. "Tamaki you and Kyoya are so cute!" "Pardon me?" And that's what Kyoya replied. Glancing over as he fixed his glasses. "It's true!" A bunch of other girls exclaimed holding their bleeding noses. I couldn't help but grin "oh really?" I chuckled and walked towards Kyoya whispering in his ear "how about mommy and daddy put on a show." I whispered. Girls gasping everyone even the hosts circling us to watch as i pushed Kyoya's computer away and placed myself on his lap with my arms around his neck. Kyoya's face heated instantly. It was so cute!

Slowly I leaned in and pressed our noses together earning squeals from our guests and gasps from the hosts. "So Kyoya, shall we put on a show?" I whispered again and leaned in....

Haha! How did you guys like it? I really ship this and hope you all enjoy my story. I don't own this story or characters in it unless I make them off and if I do I'll leave a note at the end of the story! But I hope you all enjoy my story! And sorry for the cliffhanger. Hehe

Thanks to Mr. OotoriWhere stories live. Discover now