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Before I start this chapter, I just want to say today is officially the one year anniversary of the start of this fic! Thanks to everyone for reading! :)

{Anna's Point of View}
"5 minutes until our arrival back into Arendelle, Princess Anna!" One of the crew called out to me. I was overjoyed, of course, but I couldn't help but feel like there was something wrong. I was still feeling sick, queasy, at unease but it was something more than that. I leaned over the ship's edge once more, stood in silence. Kristoff slowly came over to me, his almost silent footsteps stepping cautiously around me. "Anna... Is everything alright? You seem not yourself, again" he spoke in hushed and understanding tones. "Yeah" I replied, dimly. More silence, until Kristoff couldn't take any more of it. "Anna you're going to have to let me learn of what's in your head one day. I- I can't bear not knowing anymore". Silence again. "Listen, Kristoff... The closer and closer we get to Arendelle the more uneasy I feel. I can't help but imagine the worst. What if... What if Hans had escaped? My sister wouldn't have been able to deal with that on her own". I was genuinely worried about my sister and my country. "Anna... What happened to the optimistic, brave young woman that I married? That I'm trying to start a family with?". Those words cut me like a knife. Is that what he really thought of me? A girl who always had to be happy, optimistic and brave? I'm allowed to be anxious, to be upset and to feel. "My gut is never wrong, Kristoff. Seriously, remember this conversation, and you'll tell me I was right". "Well I hope you're wrong" Kristoff answered. "We will be home before you know It, we'll have little feet scampering around the castle and we will be a family, Ice crazy sister and all" he gave out a half hearted laugh. "Home" I repeated. "I hope so".

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