Wasted Strength

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{Elsa's Point Of View}
"Hurry! It's trying to get away!" A guard cried out as he sprinted towards me. I held out my palms, steadied my shaking wrists and braced myself for the force that would soon come coursing through my veins trying to break the lock. "Let it go, let it go" I sung over and over again in my head, taunting the memories of when my magic was used in happier times, hoping my magic would now be my gateway to future happier times with Hans. I felt the ice cold blood run through me and the sleet began to shoot out of my fingertips and into the lock. Then, suddenly and out of nowhere, memories of me and Anna as children started pacing back and fourth in my mind and the ice stopped flowing. "What?!" I murmured under my breath. Why had I stopped? "Psst! Elsa!" I heard a whisper from a near by tree. "Elsa! What are you doing?! Break the lock!" It was Hans, using various hand gestures and panicked facial expressions in order to distill a sense of panic into my mind. "I can't!" I whispered back. "It isn't working!". "You there! STOP!" The guards were getting closer and closer, their voices louder and footprints harder. Hans quickly darted out of the shadows and next to me, kicking, tugging and smashing the lock with no luck. Heck, I even remember ordering that lock myself, I should of known it was beyond unbreakable. I could see him getting more and more distressed as the guards came near us, but I could only watch him in fear and panic. It was useless. Suddenly, I felt my body plummet into the gate and saw Hans next to me do the same. "You're both under arrest."

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