"In your dreams," I called out.


It was now the day to leave for the road trip, and I woke up actually feeling a bit excited for it. I packed most of my clothes that I'm taking, including a few of my bathing suits. Grayson told me there was gunna be a lake there. I even packed some of my work for school, but just the important stuff I needed to work on. Well, hopefully work on.

Julia and I also got lunch before they came to pick us up. It was a little past 12, when Grayson was texting me that him and the rest of the guys were parked in front of the apartment building. Julia and I had grabbed our stuff, and started heading outside. I didn't have a lot, I just had a suitcase for my clothes and a small shoulder bag for my work.

By the time Julia and I made it outside, most of the guys were already out of the car, waiting for us to come. They also had a rental van for all of us to fit, which was the ones that had 8 seats. Cameron came up to me, grabbing ahold of my suitcase. "I can take care of this," he smiled, showing his perfect white teeth. I thanked him as he took ahold of my suitcase, along with Jake taking Julia's. Once they left to put it in the trunk, my eyes soon wandered over to the rest of the guys, and they soon landed on Grayson. I went over to him saying, "Hey," and his attention was soon on me.

"Hey!" he said excitedly, and entered me in for a hug. It was very un-expecting, mainly since I hadn't touched his skin in 4 years. He hugged me just like he used to before, when we used to date. I even felt those butterflies in my stomach, hoping they would soon go away.

We soon pulled away after a few moments, sadly. He then opened the car door, and breaking the silence between us by saying, "Ladies first." He smirked as he said that, and it caused my cheeks to flush red. I looked down smiling, trying to hide my blushing as I got in the car. I soon sat in their middle seat in the middle row of the van, and Grayson sat right next to me. "Thanks for coming again," he smiled.

It caused me to smile also. "It's no problem." Soon enough, everyone else piled into the van. But Julia and Nate didn't have a seat for each of them since there was 9 of us, so she had to sit on his lap. It seemed awkward at first, but Jack soon broke it once he was pouting about him not being able to sit on Nate's lap.

Cameron was driving, and he finally started the ride. He also said it was gunna take at least an hour to get to the cabin. "Now what's this for?" Grayson asked me, grabbing my bag that was filled with some of my work for school.

"College work," I replied. He then gave me a look.

"This is like a vacation from your school work. You should have left this shit at home," he laughed. I started laughing too.

"I know, but I couldn't resist," I said shrugging my shoulders, and laughing. He rolled his eyes, but he ended up laughing also. The rest of the ride consisted of some random conversation most of us had, and Drake blasting through the speakers of the van.

After a very long ride, Cameron pulled into a driveway. It was also apart of the cabin right next to it, and it looked pretty big. You could also see the lake from afar, and it looked beautiful already. We all got out and stretched from the long ride. We then got our stuff, and went over to the entrance of the cabin. Cameron unlocked the front door, and we all entered. It was nicely decorated inside, and it made the scenery look even more beautiful. "Come find our room with me," Julia told me, dragging towards the staircase.

"Can I at least enjoy how nice its decorated in here?" I asked her, laughing. I even heard most of the guys laugh along with me. I followed her upstairs with my stuff, and we started looking through all the rooms. I just let her pick it out, since I didn't really care. She soon picked one out with a balcony, and it had 2 twin beds. We put our stuff in this room, and settled down in it. "I'll be back, I think I left one of my bags in the van," Julia told me, and I just nodded as she left. I soon went out towards the balcony, and it lead near the lake. You could see a perfect, beautiful view out towards the lake. It was honesty breathtaking. I was leaning against the balcony railing with my chin in the palms of my hands, looking out over the view. "Beautiful isn't it?" I heard a voice say from behind me. I jumped a little, since it broke me away from my thoughts. I turned around to seeing Grayson, leaning against the doorframe. He looked pretty attractive in that position to be honest, until he walked closer near me.

"Very," I replied. He soon stood beside me, looking over the view. It was a little silent between us. "I'm happy my boss is sick, so Ethan and I could come up here for the next few days," he said.

"Well I guess that's good," I laughed and so did he.

"Yeah. I'm excited to spend time with my good friends," he smiled towards me, and I smiled also.

"Same," I smiled back. I then saw his eyes wander to my arm, looking down at my wrist. "Awe you're wearing your bracelet," he said smiling. I looked down at it, then back at him. I didn't even realize I was wearing it, and even how he didn't notice it.

"Yeah," I giggled. "You just noticed it now?"

"Yep, I did," he laughed. "I'm blind as fuck." We both started laughing, but we soon started to dial down our laughs afterwards. "Well, I think the guys wanted to head into the lake, so I'll leave you to get changed." I nodded, as he started walking away with that charming smile of his. I blushed, knowing it still even gets to me.

The Bad Boy I Once Knew | G. D. Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz