A Somber Farewell.

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It was late, around midnight. Sasuke and Azuki had finally dressed up and settled down from their long night of love making. They were a young couple, yes, but Sasuke had something he needed to tell Azuki, that's why they became one for the first time.

"Azuki, do you remember that bargain that Orochimaru made me? About gaining power?" Sasuke murmured, looking deep into his blonde lover's oceanic eyes. Azuki raised an eyebrow in suspicion, but nodded her head yes in response. Sasuke looked down and sighed, his hot breath hitting the top of Azuki's small bosom.

"I've accepted his invitation," Sasuke whispered, his heart aching to stay with Azuki. But he knew he mustn't. He needed to gain the power to surpass Itachi.

Frozen. Everything just froze. Azuki's breath hitched to a pause and she gripped Sasuke's shirt and cupped his cheek. Was this really happening? Was he actually leaving her? For some pedophile snake-dude with a really creepy disposition?

For... power to do the unjust? To murder his older brother whom he probably couldn't surpass in the first place?! No, no, no! This couldn't be happening! And they just had sex, for crying out loud! And he's going to leave her after that?

"Azuki... please, say something," Sasuke whispered, his heart racing for her reaction. Her fingers dug into the fabric of his shirt, clutching onto him, as if to hold him so close that he couldn't leave. Tears started to stream down her pale face relentlessly, and without her consent.

Sasuke gently placed his hand on her arm and stared at her collarbone, giving her some time to take all of this in. It was true, and it was a fact - he was leaving her. And who knows when he would return.

"Sa...Sasuke..." Azuki began with a strangled hiccup, "Why are you going to leave me? I thought I meant more than that to you..." She whispered, her voice shaky and broken from despair and longing.

Those words stung Sasuke worse than a thousand wasps... or rasengans. "You mean so much more, but I've based my life on avenging my clan and surpassing my brother. Azuki, you must realize that this has nothing to do with you, and it's not anything personal against you," Sasuke stated, hoping that Azuki would ease a little.

She didn't. She continued to cry and buried her face in the crook of his neck, holding on to him for dear life, for it would be a long time until she got to hold onto him again. She sniffled, "If you're leaving, then at least take me with you-" She started to suggest but Sasuke was quick to interrupt her, "And risk your life and your safety to Orochimaru?! I think not. You are staying here in this village where you are safe and surrounded by those who care about you. Plus, I would never forgive myself if something happened to you!"

"I don't care! I want to come with you... I want to be with you always, Sasuke. You're my everything," Azuki whimpered as her tears stained Sasuke's navy blue tee. He sighed and wrapped his arms around her, "I feel the same way about you. I just want you to promise me something, Azuki," He cooed as he stroked her yellow hair with care.

"What is it?" She sniffled again.

"Promise me that you will stay strong for me. Promise me that you will wait. I never said that I wouldn't come visit you," He looked at her with a smirk and winked, making her smile small. She leaned up and pressed her lips to his softly.

"Now, I have a promise for you to make," She suggested, making him raise an eyebrow. "Promise me that you will not let your heart be overcame with hatred. No matter what Itachi told you, don't let hate fog your heart and mind.... because it will eventually lead to your soul, and you'll become cold and heartless. And that's not the Sasuke that I fell in love with."

Sasuke was taken aback by her words, but closed his eyes, took them in, and accepted her request. She gave him another kiss and they lay on Sasuke's bed until she fell asleep in his arms, and that's when he took the chance to depart from her, the village, and his old life.

He was an avenger.

And she was his maiden... who would wait for him. 

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