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As soon as I arrived at Court Jussare, they did as expected. They threw me a grand ball. there are 12 courts all around the world, there are 2 Courts in every continent except Antarctica, They have one. I am in the southern region of South America.

"The ball will be at 9:00 tonight Queen Catherine" said Samuel. Samuel was the courts master vampire. He was very smart and, how do I put this... Loud. He doesn't know how to stop talking.

"Good Samuel", may I see the Guest list?

"Of course my Queen"

He gave me the Guest list and I immediately scanned it for Marcus Dobre. As expected, he was on there. I didn't tell Samuel who I was looking for because I don't trust anyone, I cant.

I walked to my Quarters (every Court has a royal section). I opened the door checked out the place. It was actually very clean. I sat at my deck and listened real hard

I have advanced hearing, a vampire trait but since I'm royalty every vampire power I have is enhanced quite a bit. When I knew I was alone I snapped my fingers and my 12 Shadowalkers that I brought with me appeared.

They bowed to me. I motioned them to rise.

"Today we are hear to capture Marcus Dobre! I want him alive!

"find him. Use your invisibility and when you find him, tell me immediately and surround him. If he fights take his wife and put a stake to her heart. He'll listen then.

They all nodded to me and vanished.
My Shadowalkers aren't just elite regular vampires, they are enhanced also. You see being a royal vampire comes with a lot of perks. For example let's take a regular vampire, vulnerable to sunlight, can be killed with a wooded stake driven through there heart, or the heart being 'misplaced' in any other way. Further a vampire can be killed by being decapitated or by having there neck snapped in anyway. My Shadowalkers are twice as strong as regular vampires and are not vulnerable to sunlight or if they have there neck snapped they will go into a deep sleep or a matter if hours, but that rarely every happens.

All if my elite vampires have been sired to me and me only. Being sired means that they feel like they owe me and they will do anything in there power to protect me. All vampires are immortal by means they do not age, all vampires have excellent hearing and can move very fast but depending on there speed and agility is how old they are. If a two vampires are fighting each other and one is older then the older, typically the oldest wins the speed and agility aspect but that doesn't necessarily mean that they will lose. You have to be smart to win.

Being a royal vampire means that I am meant to rule, I am an original after all. I am the last original sister of the trio. I used to have a brother named Elijah, and a sister named Rebecca. But they are long dead by our father, the destroyer. No need to worry though he is long dead... I killed him myself.

I don't really understand why there is a rebellion in the first place. My laws are very simple. The most important rule in that no mortal can know about our existence. If a mortal does find out, the vampire or vampires that told the mortal are to be eliminated and the mortal too. If you do fall in love with a mortal you have one chance to change her into a vampire and be together forever.

I think this rebellion has started because I killed a rather respected master vampire, the former of this particular court. Master Gwendal. He broke this law and therefore was executed by me. And let's just say that I made an example of him.

After pondering upon this situation I looked at the and realized that it was already 8:00. Better get ready, I do want to look ravishing tonight. I put a lovely blood red Victorian dress. It had a nice silk material. I was all dressed and ready to go.

I napped my fingers and my Shadowalkers appeared in normal human form. 6 beautiful ladies and 6 very handsome gentleman.

Asher walked up to me, " My lady you look devastatingly beautiful"

"Why thank you asher"
"Now who's ready to go catch us some rebellion scum?"

And with that we left to go to the ball.


Heyyy guys! I'm back!
Sry I was gone for a long time had some bad times!

And yes Elijah and Rebecca are in this!! ( The Originals )

Many new characters to come.

Idk if I should have a whole army of Shadowalkers or just have a few and get into there back stories... You tell me!!

Btw thats asher! So hot!!!

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