Dinner With Dinah, Oliver, and a Hot Ginger

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Well damn. I haven't updated in forever..... Time to start up again. Sorry it's been so long! Hopefully this won't happen again. 

I had set my phone as an alarm to wake me up at 5:30 so I could get ready for dinner. I sluggishly got out of bed and looked through the clothes I had brought. Dinah had told me earlier that a skirt or dress would be fine, but nothing too fancy. I finally decided on a sleeveless navy dress with some sandals (no high heels, I was still extremely clumsy) and stretched before changing my clothes. I curled my hair and added a silver bracelet Tim had gotten me for my 16th birthday.

It was only 6:27 by then, so I went across the hall to see Tim. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer. I waited in the hall for a few minutes before knocking again. Finally, Tim walked out, looking awful. His hair was sticking up in random places and he was wearing mismatched pajamas.

"Did I wake you up?" I asked.

"Yeah. What time is it?" He yawned.

"Like 6:30. We're leaving for dinner in half an hour." I said.

"Crap!" He slammed the door in my face and I assumed he started to get ready.

I rolled my eyes and went back to my room. My phone buzzed, alerting me that I had received a text message. It was from Stephanie Brown, better known as Steph, the current Batgirl, and Jason Todd's girlfriend. Steph and I had grown closer and we had a sister like relationship.

STEPH: Having fun on your road trip w/ Tim? ;)

ME: Don't get any ideas Steph.

STEPH: Tim and Gemma sittin' in a tree...

ME: Nope. Tim is too much of a wimp to make the first move and I'm not interested. 

STEPH: Then YOU make the first move.

I sighed before telling Steph I had to go. Honestly, I was kind of done with Tim. No romantic feelings left.  I slipped my phone away and stepped down the stairs where Dinah was sitting with Oliver.

Once they saw me, Oliver handed Dinah a five dollar bill. I looked at them curiously.

"Ollie and I had a bet on who would be down first. You or one of the boys. I won." Dinah grinned wickedly at Oliver.

Soon, the attractive red head came swaggering down the stairs. I must say, he cleans up nicely. Now, we were all just waiting on Tim and Roy was looking around awkwardly.

"Sorry I'm late! I overslept. Gemma woke me up." Tim rushed down the stairs, dark mass of hair flying.

I rolled my eyes at him and we walked out. Tim and I took Bruce's car and followed Oliver and the others who were in a different car. The drive to the restaurant was rather quiet, so I looked out my window to get a peek of Star City. Buildings were everywhere, but you could still see the stars starting to come out up above. Star City looked kind of like Gotham, but a lot cleaner and you could see the sky.

I took note of street names and where gas stations, hospitals, and fast food restaurants were just in case. Grassy parks were scattered throughout the city, along with buildings that said Queen Industries on them. I recognized the buildings as part of Oliver's large company. I wasn't quite sure what the company did, but they had locations all over the city.

We arrived at the restaurant, a building with large windows to view the city,  and walked in. A hostess lead us to a large table and I sat between Tim and Dinah with Roy directly across from me. His expression was unreadable, but he was still really attractive. I thought back to what Tim had said about him going insane, then becoming sane again. Of course, the Cheshire comment stuck in my mind too.

As if he was reading my mind, Tim broke the silence, "So, Roy. How's Cheshire?"

Oliver choked on his water and Dinah's eyes widened. I almost didn't hear Oliver whisper, "Of course he knows."

"It's Jade, actually." Roy replied simply. "And she's doing well."

Why is it that every ginger has a kick ass girlfriend? I sighed to my self and scanned the menu looking for something to munch on. 

The Queen's were amiable and Roy said very little most of the night. Tim conversed with Oliver about Queen Industries and Dinah asked about my plan to find my mother. The hospital ended up being fairly close to the Queen's home and if I needed any help I could call Dinah. 

Dinah was a very interesting person. She had worked with the Justice League and a group of women called the Birds of Prey. She told me a very stories and I found them absolutely fascinating. I wondered why Babs hadn't told me much about them before and why Helena had only mentioned them twice. A group of bad ass ladies that fought crime and could lean on each other sounded pretty noteworthy to me. 

Dinner went on and I had a pretty good time. Despite my multiple naps during the day, I was tired. Metabolism is a wonderful thing, I thought to myself. I can eat and sleep all day and not gain any significant weight. I yawned quietly and suddenly a beep went off from across the table. I looked around curiously and Oliver stood up. 

"Duty calls." He smiled and kissed Dinah on the cheek. 

I didn't know if that meant Green Arrow time or Queen Industries time, but I didn't ask. We finished dinner and headed back to the mansion. I climbed the stairs to my room and fell down on the bed, sighing about Roy and Jade. 

Maybe I would find myself another hot ginger or maybe even a killer assassin that Bruce won't approve of. In Star City, the possibilities were endless. 

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