To The Irish One:

On our way. Be there soon x

We jammed to some music, and then soon pulled up to my house. I thanked her and got all of my bags.

I went inside, and everybody turned to face me when I closed the door.

"Could you possibly get anything else?" Uncle Louis joked. I laughed, shook my head no, and went upstairs to put them all on my bed.

"Okay. Time to get to work." I said to myself.

I went to my bathroom and took a shower. When I was done, i got dress and brushed my hair then dried it.

I loosely curled my hair, and put and ran my fingers through it. Then I put in some contacts I never wore much.

Now time for makeup.

How the hell do I put this on?

What in the world is concealer?

False lashes? You can put glue on your eye?!

Primer? What the hell is that?

The lady just said to get full coverage I needed this and this and this. So I went with it.

Then I got what I wanted such as mascara, eyeliner, and such.

I went to YouTube and searched how to apply all of this.

Once I was done with the basics, I put on some lip liner and then lipstick. I love this shade.

It's a dark pink with some brown to make it look nude and natural.

I looked in the mirror and smiled to myself. I like my new look.

Before I would never wear makeup, always wore my glasses, and always had my hair in a French braid.

I liked how I looked.

But I just want to prove to the people who hate on me that you should be confident no matter what.

That even if I wear glasses, I'm beautiful.

Even if I don't wear makeup, I'm beautiful.

And even if I don't look like an Eleanor, I am one.

So why did I do this? To prove that with and without makeup, I believe I'm beautiful.

Everybody is beautiful if their own way.

I went towards my mirror and took a picture.

I was wearing joggers with weird curvy lines going around, and a black lace sleeveless crop top.

I posted it on Instagram and waited to people to reply.

"El?" I heard a knock on the door. I went towards it and opened it to see Uncle Liam.

"Yes?" I asked. His mouth dropped.

"What in the world did you do?!" He asked, completely shocked by my new appearance.

"I changed it up a bit." I said, smiling.

"Uhm.." He said, looking at my outfit.

"Do you not like it?" I asked, my smile fading.

"No, no! You look stunning! I just barely ever see you dressed up." He said. I nodded.

"Thank you though." I said.

"Want to go downstairs and surprise the others?" He asked. I laughed, but nodded.

We started walking down the stairs, and I hid behind Uncle Liam.

"Ready?" I whispered. He nodded.

"Lads. I now present, the new and improved, Eleanor Horan!"


Hey guys!

I know I said I was doing an extra long chapter, but I decided to just update on one of the days I normally wouldn't.

Like Saturday or Sunday.

Hope you all enjoyed.

Picture is Perrie Edwards(a.k.a my role model) the outfit is what El is wearing in the chapter.

You guys are all so sweet.

You supported me for my work and not updating and I thank you all for being so amazing.

I love each and every single one of you sooooo much!

Thank you!





~All the love, G x

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