Chapter 2

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I didn't know what t do the next day but to stare out of my window that's beside my bed, admire the greenery and bask in the warmth of the sunlight through it. This large house is awfully quiet and lack the presence of chattering people. Back at home I'd often hear people talking loudly outside, or a sound of a vehicle passing by. I don't know if it was the eerie atmosphere that suddenly surrounded this once peaceful place, but it feels off somehow. Maybe it's because my cousins aren't here with me.

I went out of my room driven with excitement of what's there to find after washing myself, keeping in mind of what my grandpa told me last night.

I saw the hallway right next to me and decided to start at the very end of it. Surely they would have locked the doors if they don't want someone to just access it, right? I began my exploration.

 There wasn't much to see besides the top floor having guest rooms and a study room apart from it. My parents told me memories from when I was a kid that we'd gather and have reunions here. My grandfather agreed and lets his grandchildren stay for vacations. I could vaguely remember the details the time I spent here with my cousins but pictures  back at home stirred up nostalgia. I could recall how we'd jump on the bed in one of these rooms while grandma, who is long gone now, ,would bring us some snacks every night. I loved it here more than home, but now we're too busy to be having an annual reunion with us complete.

After I was done, I went down the stairs to see what has changed below, but halted as I saw one of Grandpa's helpers sitting on an old-fashioned green couch with a wooden arm reading a book with a somewhat dull expression. As she heard my footsteps before I stopped, she gave me that  familiar execrable look with that piercing blue eyes. I looked down and went on my way without batting another eye on her, sensing her stare follow me. What's with her??

Ahead would be more memories to  unlock but I could not handle the awkwardness that I get whenever I'd appear on her  sight, so I went to my left that leads to a huge, double, wooden door, and in front of it was the creamy stairs leading to a checkered flooring.

Behind the vast stairs was an open entrance to a living room,  basked in sunlight through multiple rectangular windows. At the side, was an enormous television hanging on the brick part of the wall surrounded by long, deep red corner sofas. On the other side, next to the mantelpiece was the small door my grandpa told me not to go to. The temptation was there but I'd rather do so when I'm about to go home.

As soon as I turn to leave, I stumbled back after seeing the helper earlier, walking past me with a broom in hand. It was creepy  on how I didn't even notice her presence, or heard her walk in. Still,  in momentary glance she gave me was familiar.

I walk out of the house passing the main entrance and out to where the covered path was filled with fallen leaves.  I circled around the house while kicking the leaves and appreciating the view surrounding me. It was too quiet. Even with the town we passed by earlier seems hushed.

I got a glimpse of a shadow through the window behind the house. It passed by in a blink of an eye and left the space empty. From my perspective,  I could see the dilapidated wooden ceiling and torn wall. Out of all the place I visited,  it seems like the only room that's not been given attention to, and that was only a part of it I saw. Was it a junk room?

I felt uncomfortable staring at it for too long, so I  backed and went to the shed just at the corner. It stretched wide enough to make room for all the chattels needed, but closed enough to keep the sunlight out. Its rough, dark gray walls absent of dust and dirt, presenting how much cleaning and care it was put through even to this backyard shed.

I opened the white door and was greeted by the perfectly arranged materials on a shelf that consists of gardening, cleaning and the lots. I ran my hand through the smoothness of the wall to find a light switch. With the bulb brightening up the storage, I saw boxes stacked at the side of a shelf. Across it was a ladder long enough to take up the space on its own side.

I ended my exploration here as I didn't find anything interesting throughout. Before I could peacefully head back to my room I was met with sharp eyes staring at me just at the corner of the house, her hands held light sheers for trimming at the varieties of shrubs that are lined up by the wall. This girl is everywhere I go, it's starting to creep me out. I look at her suspiciously before she nonchalantly begins to tend the shrubs that lined up at the back of the house.

A loud thumping came from the house for a moment which makes us both stare at each other.  The helper shrugs it off after giving me a silent glare. Just who is she? And when did Grandpa took her in? We had a helper who tends to both my grandparents before, but I guess she quit. She's a lot nicer than this current one.

I still didn't sleep well later on.

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