Chapter 1 - Fish attack

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Okay so finally here's chapter 1 :)

I  wanted to make it look like the POV is talking to the reader of my book, so hopefully it does.

''When someone else's happiness is your happiness, that's is love''

- Lana Del Ray -



'Sam get your lazy ass up !, we're leaving in 30 minutes' yelled my lovely *note the sarcasm* twin brother Christopher aka Chis, before I was drenched in ice cold water.

~ 5 minutes later ~

'Chris come back here or I'll get mr. Pizza to eat you alive !' I yelled.

You are probably now thinking who's mr. Pizza and what for ridiculous name that is, now that's really easy to explain.

But first you need to know something,

Chris is scared for any kind of living fish, he once ran away throwing his hand up and down while screaming like a little girl when we went to an aquarium and the employees chose him to feed the goldfishes.

So when he once pulled a prank on me and I looked like a smurf for 2 days, I went to a fish store and brought a goldfish.

And now we'll get to the point why I named my goldfish mr. Pizza,

It's because pizza is my favorite food , and especially pizza ham *drool drool*, so now you know who mr. Pizza is.

Ok, but back to reality now.

I'm running full speed after Chris, down the stairs into the kitchen with mr. Pizza in my hands and ofcourse mr. Pizza is in his fishbowl.

I chased Chris down the stairs through the kitchen, when he began running to the living room and then started yelling like a mad woman.

And before I now what's happening...

Chris jumps on dad and like every normal human who's caught off guard, dad stumbles forward and Chris and dad fall both face first onto the ground.

'hahaha hahaha your fa... face o my gosh hahaha looked so hilarious hahaha' I cried and couldn't stop laughing my ass off.

But I cheered to soon, because before I knew it I was again drenched in ice cold water. I then looked around and saw dad and Chris laughing their asses off.

And like the idiot I was I began running to them, totally forgetting about the now wet floor.

And me being me, I fell back first yeah you read it right back first onto the ground.

So like alway's good luck wasn't at my side, and as cherry on top mr. Pizza and his fish bowl fell right on my face *that's goint to be a black eye * I thought.

But the good thing is that the fish bowl didn't break so is unharmed, luckily. 

'what the fudge is going on in here !' my mom yelled, *oh no mad momma is out* was my only thought.

If you wake her up in the morning you better can go book the first flight to China, because she will hunt you down, grill you in an oven and then eat you.

But I can't blame her though, mom works as a police officer and has normally late shifts till early in the morning.

So when dad goes to work and Chris and me go to school it's her time to get some rest and sleep peacefully.

'uhm, hi mom' I said quietly and waved, because my oh so lovely dad and twin are still laughing at my so called 'funny fall'.

'hi honey, could you please tell me why you're drenched in water, have a red eye and why those two *pointing at dad and Chris* are laughing their butts off?'

My mom said trying so hard to not sound like she wants to kill us.

'wait, nevermind I don't even wanna know it, honey go clean up yourself you like like a drenched panda, and you two go clean up this mess. I'm going back to sleep and this time peacefully'

Mom said glaringat us and then walked back to her and dad's bedroom, leaving me, dad and Chriss alone in the living room.

'Okay, you all heard mom. so I'm to clean myself up, because I apparently look like a drenched panda and you can clean this mess up, see ya later !' I whisper-yelled since dad and Chris were still laughing.

~ 15 minutes later ~

'Chris, are you ready, school starts in 5 minutes' I said when I saw dad and Chris playing cards in the living room.

'holy toast honey your eye is red, almost blue' my dad said and then he began laughing again probably because he now why my eyes is red.

'yeah sure, are you going with the Kawasaki or Harley ?' he asked, trying not to laugh just like dad

'tsk you know that I'm going with Harley' I said and -while ignoring my laughing family- walked to the garage,

were my baby a Harley Davidson Iron 883 was standing in all his pride.

'You ready' Chris said as we were about to ride to school. 'LAST ONE AT SCHOOL GETS TO SIT WITH LINK STINK' he yelled

I yelled and drove away far over the speed limit.

~ at school ~

'haha I win' I said when Chris parked his motor next to mine in our parking spaces.

- yeah we make sure that nobody puts his car in these parking spaces so we call their ours-

'yeah but only because you were going far above the speed limit' Chris tried to held up his pride, 'yeah whatever I won' I said,

and started walking to the main entrace of school, when Chris an dI walked inside everyone in the hallway stepped aside like Moses and the red sea. so that we could walk trough the hallway.

some students looked at us if we were some gods, some students with lust in their eyes but most of the students looked scared.

the scared students probably because of my red almost blue eye.

But yeah we were called -after all the pranks on fellow students and teachers- 'THE DEADLY TWO'

yeah WERE because after school mom and dad hadn't good news to tell us..........fml



At first what do you think of the first chap. ?

Second, sorry for all the grammar mistakes bacause this is my first English book to write and I don't have a editor or something.

Pic of the Harley Davidson on the side --------->


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