When you see eachother in the street

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(This is after you have broken up...)

Simon- As you pass each other, you both stop and hug. You talk for about a minute as it just seems awkward, even though both of you are longing to get back together again. You walk off in different directions pleading the other to turn around and stop them from walking away once again.

Josh- He was alone and walking towards his car. When you and Josh glance in each others direction, you just simply smile sadly. An ache now plagues your chest where Josh's love should be. You know breaking up was the best thing to do but you cant help wondering... What if?

Vik- You have tried to move on from Vik but nothing seems to be working. When you see each other, you notice the way he tries to hide his sadness with a smile. You just want to embrace him and tell him everything will be all right. But it wont. Because you did break his heart...

Ethan- You guys start up a conversation every time you meet! You still have kept in touch but it isn't the same as before. You soon realise that maybe you want to be more than friends. You don't say anything in fear of rejection but you still love him.

JJ- As you pass JJ, you notice he has already moved on. You feel your heart rip into two even though it was you who broke things off. It hurts more than anything.

Tobi- You and Tobi still talk but not as much, it feels wrong. You soon realise you want him back because you crave his touch. In the streets you just make eye contact, nothing too extraordinary. You still need him but does he need you?

Harry- Your fear that Harry was changing had subsided as when you walked by him, (which was fairly often) you still see the same glint in his eye. He still seems distant whenever you meet in public but you did break up with him. You start to wonder why you ever began doubting Harry in the first place...

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