Chapter 27

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Penny's pov.

After a few hours of talking to Luna I got to know her it's good to know I'm not the only witch around here. Then Niall, Josh and Zayn came in.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked them as me and Luna stood up.

"Rescuing you and your friend" Niall said looking at Luna.

"Hi I'm Luna" she said shyly as Zayn opened the dungeon door and we got out we where quietly walking through a hallway when we bumped into Harry, Louis and Liam.

"Penny thank god your ok" Harry said and gave me a hug then I gave Louis one.

"I'm so glad your here, this is Luna she's a witch too" I said.

"Going somewhere?" A voice said it was Megan when we tried to move we couldn't suddenly we where in another room and Mr Tomlinson was there.

"Penny so good to see you again, I see you have met Luna" he said.

"Why do you want her?" I asked him.

"Because with the blood of both of you I will be unstoppable" he told me.

"But my family has the blood you want so that means-" I was cut of by him saying.

"That's right your twins" he said and me, Luna and Harry looked at each other in shock.

Suddenly Josh ran forward and grabbed mine and Luna's necklaces and chucked them we caught them and put them on then Megan grabbed him and snapped his neck he died saving me.

"Nooo!" I shouted I was so upset I made a fire ball and tried to hit her but I missed.

"Get out of here" Luna said to the boys and they ran out the room apart from Louis.

"Lou go!" I said to him "I don't want you too get hurt"

"No I won't lose you again" he said. Then Luna got hit by Megan's power and went flying back.

"Luna!" I Shouted.

"Your so weak on your own" Megan said and laughed. I used half my strength and my power hit her.

"You shouldn't of hurt my friends and especially my girlfriend" Louis said before snapping her neck.

Before Mr Tomlinson could do anything Louis snapped his neck too then the boys came in.

"How's Luna?" I asked and ran to her side.

"She's dying" Liam said.

"What can you do?" I said.

"I could turn her" Harry said. We all looked at Luna for her permission and she nodded.

"So what happens to the kingdom now?" I asked Louis.

"The heir to the throne takes over" he told me.

"That's you Lou" Niall said.

"I'm not good enough to be king" Louis said to me.

"Yes you are you will be able to make this place good again and will all help you" I said and everyone nodded. Then I kissed Louis.

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