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"Paul...can I ask you something?"

It was silent until I spoke up. My shift was coming to an end and I was in his room, instructed to watch over him for my final hours. Something bad had happened but I wasn't allowed to know what.

He looked up from my book that I gave him with a blank face. "Yes."

I hesitated, worried he wouldn't like it. "Well...why are you here?"

He stared at the wall, his cute cheeks sagging as his eyes drooped with them. "Because, I-"

"Mary, your aunt is waiting." The door opened suddenly and one of the male nurses smiled at me. I jumped, startled, but nodded.

I didn't break eye contact with Paul as he watched me stand up and leave. The nurse, who I recall as Mark, gave me a warm look and I couldn't help but feel he was trying to flirt with me.

"Mary," Paul suddenly said, sitting up fully with more alert eyes.

"Yes?" I instantly turned around, watching as he stood up and walked over to me.

"I, uh," He stopped, closing his eyes and picking up my book. He handed it to me weakly. "Don't forget this."

I was disappointed when Mark guided me out and Paul collapsed on to his bed. He wasn't going to say that, I know he wasn't. But I was out of the room, now.

"Hey, Mary, I was wondering if you wanted to get a coffee with me sometime?" Mark asked, scratching the back of his neck. I looked away from the small window into Paul's room and into his blue coloured eyes.

"Sure." I didn't decline, I needed a friend anyway.

"Great," he grinned. "How about tomorrow after work?"

I looked around and saw Paul staring at us from his bed.

"Uh, I'd love to." I nodded, starting to walk. "I have to go, my aunt's still waiting."

He nodded, smiling and waving. "Bye Mary."

"Bye." I sighed, the book in my head tapping my leg as I walked, just to remind me of the conversation I could of had with Paul.

*  *  * 

"Smith, Louise."

"Thomas, Kyle."

"Wilowy, Kate."

I was handing out the prescription drugs to the patients the next day, watching closely as they swallowed them.

"Ambrose, Nick." I watched as he pretended to swallow, but slipped it under his tongue. "Mr Ambrose, please swallow the pill."

He huffed and threw it at the wall.

"Sir!" I gasped, seeing him run off down the corridor. I saw Mark standing by. "Mark, help! Nick Ambrose just ran off after refusing to take his pill!" I was freaking out. I couldn't do anything, I was behind the counter and had more to give out.

"What's wrong Mary?" He asked frantically before digesting my information and running off for Nick.

"Makes me sick." The voice made me jump. Paul showed himself from behind the wall beside the counter, staring into my eyes. "I believe I need my drugs?"

I stammered, looking over the sheet before me. I glanced up every second to see his dark eyes literally burrowing into my soul. I couldn't breathe for a few moments.

"Sure, here." I gave him the pill, watching as he swallowed it instantly but stayed standing there. "Paul, there's more people I need to attend to."

"I'm sure they won't mind if I just take in your beauty for a few more minutes." He said quietly. I looked down to hide my blush.

Then I plucked up the courage. "Why are you here? You seem so normal, and so charming."

He smiled slightly, before turning around.


But he was gone.

- - -

Sorry it's quite bad and short, but hey it's a chapter!

- BellaHolmes X

Crazy in love ➣ Paul McCartneyWhere stories live. Discover now