Under my skin (part 2)

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Hey guys, so this is a rough draft, I really wanted to finish this chapter. Please do point out the mistakes if you have time. I really appreciate your help. Also please tell me if the story makes sense up to here.

P.S. I casted Takeru Satoh as Shiro. I have a soft spot for the guy, one of the few male actors in Japan that look man enough and handsome enough in my humble opinion. Tell me what you think if you happen to know the guy.


Once we got to the docks, I checked the boat first, in case Kentarou, the owner of the little sushi shop I met here several months ago, was there. I didn't see any signs of movement, so I continued strolling down the alleys towards his izakaya.

In all this time, Shiro had not uttered a word. It was better like that. For both of us. We walked and walked, what might have seemed in circles to him, and to be honest they indeed were due to my spacial cretinism.

And then there it was, the fish sign still giddily dangling on the wooden door. Last time I was here, it was daylight. This little shop felt pretty special then, but now it seemed truly magical. The little sign above the door was framed with lights, twinkling here and there invitingly. The door nob still felt smooth to the touch and it brought a nostalgic smile to my face.

It's been about four months since I first found this place. A lot has changed since then. I was no longer the purposeless tourist strolling around in search of an anchor. I had found it. Miyu, my lovely Miyu, my beautiful friend has made my presence in Japan meaningful and helped me discover this country as the gem that it was in my dreams. And these feelings for Shiro that overflowed my whole being made me rediscover myself.

I still have eight months. What seemed unbearably long in the beginning, was melting away too fast too soon as I walked shoulder to shoulder with Shiro. The attraction between us was undeniable, yet his mouth still denied. The longing for each other was eating away at both of us despite the almost nonexistent space between us.

A giddy bell rang as we entered.

A loud 'Irashaimase' traditionally welcomed us in. Kentarou, in his funky bandana, was standing behind the counter entertaining two guests. One of them took a deep puff at his cigarette. They both turned to see who had dropped in to join their small party. I'm pretty sure a blonde foreigner didn't cross their minds, because they ogled me as if I was a Victoria Secret's angel.

And no, I don't have neither the legs, nor the boobs to be confused with one.

'Kentarou,' I exclaimed happily.

'Amy san, irashai,'  he answered and pointed to the table in the corner, away from the nagging eyes of his customers.

Shiro joined me and took a sit behind the small table for two. They exchanged a couple of phrases with Kentarou, before the later disappeared behind the counter. He reappeared with two glasses of cold water. I drank mine hastily and lowered it down with a thud, practically implanting it into the table.  Not very lady like of me but it got Shiro to produce a slithering of a smile that he tried unsuccessfully to suppress.

'You said you were hungry, what will you have?' he asked and handed me the little leather bonded menu. The pages were adorned with hand written names of the dishes and alcohol served. Handwritten words took me a little bit more time to figure out.

'Since you're not on your bike, will you have a drink with me Shiro? I asked coyly.

'I will,' he conceded.

'Then please order us some sake, I have yet to taste it,' I grinned at him. ' You kind of messed up my plans when you enticed me to go on a date with you,' I continue, waiting for his reaction.
He totally ignored my remark and didn't stir away from the menu.

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