Bipolar much, Karma?

50 11 24


I giggled nervously as we entered an izakaya Shiro had chosen.

It was a small teppanyakiya san, one of those places where food is cooked in front of you on an iron grid table. I have never been to one before. I secretly did a somersault at the sight of food being tossed on the grill. I let out a relieved sigh at the thought that no dead fish eyes will stare at me accusingly tonight.

'Irashaimaseeee', a handful of employees greeted us at the door. There was some smoke in the air and a mouthwatering aroma of steak.

My belly rumbled at the deliciousness I saw and I remembered I haven't eaten anything since breakfast.

'I could eat a cow' I chuckled and looked up at Shiro. He was taller than me and I had to almost fall back to see his face. But I wanted to see it, so I skipped in front of him and did a signature pirouette to face him. I couldn't read him. I wanted to.

As if he could read my mind, he took one step and erased the distance between us. I was aware of every centimetre of my body that came in contact with him. It almost hurt where we touched. The veins on his neck flared up and I knew he felt the same. He exhaled slowly and I smelled sweet mint in his breath. Never have I wanted to kiss anybody this much in my life. It scared the living shit out of me. I didn't know this man standing in front of me but I wanted to be lost in his arms. I had to get away from him. I turned away.

'Then it's good I brought you here. They have the best steak in town,' he said to the back of my head.

Shiro took the lead and I followed. I saw people turning around to look at us. It could be because I'm a foreigner but by the cheeky looks of the women in the room I knew it's all about him. A sense of pride took over me as I walked next to this gorgeous guy.

As we took our seats at the counter, a young girl approached and handed us a couple of menus and a sheet of what seemed like the specials for the day. As soon as she landed her eyes on Shiro, her fake eyelashes fluttered in a seizure. He grabbed the menus and didn't give her as much as a glance, his features exuding disdain. He probably got this a lot because as much as I hated to admit it, she was cute and yet he didn't appear to be swayed at all.

'Do you mind if I order for the both of us. I know the chef here so-' he asked as I made myself comfortable in front of the teppan.

'Go ahead, I can't read it anyway'.

This wasn't a lie, I really cannot read them, but mostly I wanted to make every woman in this establishment jealous.

Stare as long as you want ladies, but he is mine tonight. Mmmwa ha ha ha!

The young server came back with two glasses of water and two little white towels folded neatly. I took one to clean my hands ignoring the deadly stare she gave me.

If looks could kill sweetheart, I leer at her, I'd crush you in a heartbeat.

The towel was wet and I made use of the opportunity to press it down to my neck. I purred in delight when the cold cloth made contact with my flushed skin. I opened my eyes to see Shiro studying me. He didn't avert his gaze and neither did I. Not this time. Five seconds, ten seconds, fifteen. He was the predator, I was the prey. I was mesmerizes by this man who is practically forcing me to fall for him.

I forbid myself to blink. My throat felt dry as I spotted him clenching his jaw. His face looked pained. For an unknown to me reason, I wanted to comfort him. I wanted to pull his head to my chest and tell him everything is alright. In this moment I am happy he chose the counter because I don't have to look at him for longer than I have to.

Something smells fishyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz