Coffee Shop

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this kind of thing is really overdone, but this pairing? in a coffee shop? i simply have to write about it.

if you see any dumb mistakes please point them out to me!


Lara worked at a coffee shop in London. Over the years, she saw many people come and go, but only two people came every Saturday, without fail, for five years.
After five years Lara became quite good friends with the two boys who's names she learned were Dan and Phil.

Dan wore mostly black, and he always wore these shoes with unconventional zips that looked like it had seen better days, to be honest. He also always wore long sleeves, even during heatwaves, and never failed to wear black skinny jeans.

Phil's style was similar to Dan's because he too wore black skinny jeans and his haircut was almost identical to Dan's. His fringe was just the opposite way. He wore brightly coloured shirts and equally bright shoes.
It was cute, Lara thought.
Don't worry though - she came out as not into guys a couple years ago.

One day that coffee shop in London got so busy the two boys ended up having to sit together.
It wasn't a complete coincidence, though.
Dan and Phil had been making love eyes at each other for years but never got the guts to talk to each other, and Lara was sick of it.

Funnily enough, her mother needed a place for her annual book club party - and Lara happily told her the coffee shop would be a great place to host long as it was on a Saturday between the times of 1 and 2pm.

So the day came, and many middle aged women were chatting about some books (Lara guessed it was Fifty Shades of Grey or something gross) when Dan and Phil entered.
Lara went up to them and said she could only save one table for her two favourite customers.
Phil said, "Thanks!" In a cheerful tone but Dan just nodded and didn't say anything. Lara nodded back and smiled at the both of them, leading the lovebirds to a table near the back of the shop.

After a couple of hours Dan was almost falling off of his chair laughing about the time Phil gleeked on a man's laptop on the tube or that time he got his contact lens on a lady wearing a yellow dress. In fact, Dan actually did fall off of his chair giggling when Phil told him about 'The Tea People', a woman in her fifties and a man in his twenties who had about twenty cups of tea on the flight and kept clambering over Phil to use the toilet.
Immediately Phil rushed over to help Dan up but knocked over his coffee which went all over Lara, who was walking past.
She obviously didn't mind, but Phil couldn't stop apologising and Dan, still on the floor, was laughing more than Lara had seen him laugh in five years.

The coffee shop was almost completely empty as it was nearly closing time, and Dan and Phil exchanged numbers before heading home.
"Invite me to the wedding!" Lara called as the they left.
She was waving frantically out of the window, and Phil laughed and did that cute tongue pokey-outy thing which Dan noticed more than Lara's comment.

Another year had passed and Dan and Phil were best buddies, and Lara was more frustrated as ever.
Why can't they see their love for each other?
She had become their closest friend ever since the 'coffee' incident. It took Lara weeks to get the coffee off her shirt, but it was worth it all.

One day, Phil was talking to Lara.
"You see, I love him, so much, but I don't think he likes me back!" He exclaims.
Lara has a brainwave and smiles broadly.
"Look, I have work to do, but talk to me at five, okay? That's when my shift ends. Meet me at the bench across the road." She told him, pointing to said bench.

Phil agreed and left just as Dan walked in. They tried their 'friendship' handshake but they both forgot it, so they just waved. "Hey, Dan!" Lara called.
Dan walked over, hands in his jake the dog hoodie pockets.
"Meet me at five behind that tree, okay? Don't reveal yourself until I say so." Dan was confused, but agreed, ordered his coffee and sat down.
As the shop was mostly empty (it was half four) Dan asked Lara to sit with him. She nodded and sat opposite him.
"I think I love Phil." He states bluntly.
Lara grinned, about to reply but then an old lady walked into the shop.
"Talk to you later, D-slice!" She calls.
"Last time someone called me that it was Phil and I nearly punched him in the face so be careful!" He warns in a joking tone.

Five o-clock comes around and she looks to see Phil sat on the bench. Dan wasn't by the tree - but he was always late, so Lara let it slide. It was part of her plan anyway.
"Hey, Phil." She says softly as she sits beside Phil, hugging him in a friendly way.
"Hey. So what did you want to talk about?" He says, and Lara sees Dan behind the tree. Their gazes meet, just for a second, and Lara knows that Dan knows he's meant to eavesdrop on the conversation.
"Tell me why you love Dan. All the little things." She blurts out, and catches a glimpse of Dan's shell shocked face.
"I love his hobbit hair, and his fringe, and his sassiness and his laugh - oh my god his laugh could make anybody laugh too - and he's a great listener and, you know, really hot. But I don't even know if he's, you" He finishes, and she nods, both at him and Dan.
"You can come out now Dan." She says, and Phil goes pale.
"Lara! What have you-" Phil's protests were interrupted by Dan kissing Phil, softly at first, but then getting more heated.
Lara clears her throat, and they break apart...reluctantly.
"So, can I come to the wedding?" She questions.
"Of course!" They say, before engulfing her in a hug.

Dan and Phil walk into the coffee shop the next day, holding hands.
They never usually come in on a Sunday so Lara is surprised to see them.
"Hey." Dan says.
"We want to thank you for getting us together. We were being lovesick idiots and you brought us together and we are forever grateful." Phil says.
"Also, did I ever tell you about the time I got my head stuck in some train doors?" Dan questions, making Lara shake her head and Phil burst into fits of giggles.
"No! Tell us!" They say in unison.


Lara was invited to their wedding... As a guest, but a special one.
She was the godmother of their adopted children, and the trio couldn't be happier.


song of the chapter!
Cake, by Melanie Martinez. i really like her... no surprises there.

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