Chapter Twenty-Nine

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When I wake up Darren and Evra are back, they're watching the Simpsons.

I stand and stretch a little. Evra sees me.

"Oh you're awake." He says.

"Yep, so did you have fun with out me?" I ask.

I look out the window and see its night time already.

"No, there wasn't a lot to look at anyway, a park or food vender here or there, but other than that it was kind of boring." Darren says.

"For you, it was cool when you actually care about stuff." Evra says.

"I guess." Darren says.

"You guess?" I ask.

I'm pretty sure if you care about something you would think its cool, that's just my opinion though.

Darren sighs. "Want to watch with us?"

"Sure." I sit on the floor, sitting criss cross.

We watched for a couple hours, or I did at least, they fell asleep. I can't sleep - because I kind if just woke up. I stand then walk out of the room, silently shutting the door behind me.

I walk around the place for a little, until I get to a park, that is empty, no one is here but me, well obviously, its night time...

I sit on the swing and push up and down a little.

You know that feeling you get when you're being watched? I just got that.

I look around, but see no one.

I look down at my phone and see I got a text from Steve.

"Yo." I text back.

"You finally texted back."

"Yeah. Lol. I'm not at the Cirque so I'll be free for a few days."

"Where are you?"

"Uhmm a city of some sort."

"Just yourself?"

"Nah, Evra, Mr. Crepelsy, and Mr. Crepsley's assistant is also here."

"I see, so how have you been?"

"Fine, though right now I feel like I'm being watched XD that's what I get for being alone in a park at night."

"._. Maybe you should go back to the hotel or place you are staying in??"

"Probably, but the snow is so pretty..."

"Just look out the window."

"No way! We are on the fifth floor!! I couldn't possibly!"

"Well just get some sleep then."

I sigh, "Fine, just so I'm not kidnapped lol. Talk to you tomorrow." I put the phone away and head back to the hotel.

"Where were you?" Darren asks.

"Just on a walk." I answer.


"Couldn't sleep."

"That is what happens if you sleep all day." Mr. Crepsley says.

"You're one to talk!" I say.

"Well, you should get some more sleep." Darren says.

"No, I'll be fine." I say yawning.

"No you won't, sleep." Evra says.

"But... I want to explore with you guys."

"Your health comes first." Evra insists.

"No, let's go get some food then I'll sleep."

"OK, fine. But we're not getting raw meat."

"OK." My stomach growls.

"Haha, let's go." Darren says.

The three of us walk out of the room.

I'm wearing a beanie to cover my ears.

You know about the drawstring backbacks, right? I got one of those and made it so it's really low and goes low enough for me to put my tail in there. It hurts but it will have to do.

We were just walking around.

A lot of decorations were up for Christmas, we looked at those a bit.

"Everyone is getting ready for Christmas, isn't it weird how we don't even celebrate it?" I ask.

"I wouldn't say weird, but maybe awkward." Evra says.

"What ever, you know what I mean." I say.

We go into a store, buy some soup packages, then go back to the hotel room, it only being noon.

"Ok we're going back out." Darren says.

"But why?" I whine. "I'll be lonely, and lonely, and don't forget lonely."

"'Dad' is here." Darren jokes.

While we're here we have to act like a family, Mr. Crepsley is playing as our dad, our "parents" are divorced and don't live anywhere near each other as our "dad" travels a lot. Evra and I were adopted while Darren is the only one in the bloodline. Evra is obviously the oldest child, me the middle, and Darren the youngest.

Though in reality Darren and I are the same age his body hasn't aged at all over the two year. I may be 14 now and Darren should be the same age but he really looks like he's 12 so we just whatevered it.

"Haha." I fake laugh. We all know how much fun Mr. Crepsley is, he's more fun asleep than he is awake, because when he's asleep he's not lecturing us and we can draw on his face or something, we don't actually draw on his face, that would be like suicide.

"Tux you'll be asleep anyway so it won't matter." Evra says.

"Why do you insist in me sleeping?"

"You're tired." Darren says.

"I'm not. Besides if I do sleep it will be at night time."

"We'll be back later." Evra says.

"Fine." I say. "Leave me alone with the sleeping vampire, fun." I twirl my finger.

They leave, I wait around ten to twenty minutes before leaving the room, no way I'm staying here with the Family Ruinier.

That name is so weird. How did I even come up with that two years ago? Oh well.

What I didn't know, was that 'the Family Ruinier' actually ruins families.

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