Chapter 3: Airline Illness~

Start from the beginning

"Ah huh, Jonathan Fong?"

"What did yo-"

"Mr. Fong told me I would be seeing you," she said quickly pushing a card my way with a smile, "he told me to just look for a mask and here you are."

"Oh, well, uh thank you..." I say, taking the card and gathering my things.

"No problem, Mr. Fong," she said again and all I could do was cringe, why is she calling me that? What the hell?
As I reach the hotel room and unlock the door with my key, I push myself exhausted through the frame. I side stepped farther into the room to notice someone on the bed. Evan. So that's what he looks like in real life... not that bad looking...


Did I just knock over that fucking lamp? Ah Fuck...

"Delirious?" I heard Evan ask huskily. Nothing comes from my mouth as I try to get out of my sea of bags, tripping over myself and hitting the dresser near me. I yelp as I hold my hip, limping to the couch in front of me. "Jon! Are you okay, Oh my god!?" I hear Evan worriedly huff from behind me, running to sit next to me, almost falling over himself.

"Ah, yeah, I'm a man. I can handle that shit." I nodded, hiding the pain on my face under my mask. I moved my hand away from my hip and started to stand, wincing at the pain. It hurt but I knew that it'd just bruise and then go away so I ignored it.

Evan clasped his hands together, shook his head, and stood, "Well, how have ya been, man?" The canadian asked, walking over to the side of the bed. He pulled out a small travel bag and started rifling through it before pulling out his phone charger and plugged it into the wall. "You alight, Jon? You look a bit pale." Evan commented, joining me once more.

"Yeah, no, I'm fine." I say and he smiles, seeming content.

"It's really good to see you, dude," he says smiling again this time wrapping his strong arms around me.

I gasp and leave my hands to my sides as he brings me into his chest, not expecting anything like this from him. Especially not towards me.

"Oh, sorry," Evan apologizes as he lets go quickly, "I guess I'm a hugger." He steps back and awkwardly rubs his neck.

"Oh, no," I say and put the same distance between us as before, "it's alright I just wasn't expecting it." I chuckle softly, making Evan chuckle too. All of a sudden I hear a low growling, was that me?

"Someone's hungry," Evan laughed, "how about we go grab some dinner?" He offered. It was tempting but at the same time, I knew what would happen if I ate too much. So I did what anyone would logically do in this situation, I agreed.

"Is Chick-fil-A okay?" Evan asked as we walked out of the front doors of the hotel.

"Yea," I quickly reply, "whatever you want is fine with me."

"Jon," Even stopped and stepped in front of me, "what do you want?"

"Uh... please don't ask me these things, man," I laugh a bit, "I can hardly choose what I'm gonna wear in the morning."

"So Chick-fil-A is okay with you then?"

"Yea, it's cool," I say stepping around him chuckling as I held my arm out for a cab.

"I'll just have the Chicken Deluxe Sandwich please," I tell the lady at the register.

"Would you like a side? We have salad, fries and soup." She asked.

"Ah, no thanks..." She nods and punches in my order next to Evans who gives me a confused look. "What?" I finally ask as we walk around trying to find an open cleanish booth.

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