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Ivy was still pushing and Alex wouldn't let the doctors to close, Karen had to actually be there so the doctors could walk her through it since Alex would only let her close.
Ivy: this is it
She howled and I heard happy squeals. Karen put the pup in front of Ivy and me and Ivy started cleaning him.
Me: why is it a puppy
Ivy: me and Alex are in wolf form so until we shift back he will be a pup
Me: so when me and ty shifts he does too
Ivy: only if me and ty are out
Me: what's his wolfs name
Ivy: Tylin
Me: ok is Alex ok with that
Ivy: it was his idea
Me: I wanna shift
Ivy: we have to wait for him to open his eyes
She kept grooming him and slowly his eyes opened, he looked at Ivy and then at Alex. He closed his eyes again and Ivy licked him, Alex licked him too and he opened his eyes up again.
Doc: let's give them some time alone
They all left and I wanted to hold my baby
Me: Ivy can we shift
Ivy: yes
She licked him again and then Alex licked her and then we were shifting. I held my baby in my arms, I was already on the bed and owed that to Ivy, ty shifted and then put on a hospital gown and walked over.
Ty: beautiful just like his mother
I held him close willing him to open his eyes, he did and then pulled his arm up to block the lights.
Me: ty can you turn the lights down
He turned the down and then he moved his hand, his eyes were green like Ty's, he had brown hair like mines but it was straight like Ty's. He started crying and so ty scoped him out of my arms and rocked him gently. He stopped and closed his eyes, I hadn't even realized that I had been crying until ty wiped a tear away.
Me: he's so beautiful is he really ours
Ty: yes
He put him back in my arms and looked at him with admiration.
Me: I know his wolfs name but what about his name
Ty: how about Sean
Me: I like it
Ty: Sean stone
Me: Tylin stone
Ty: Katy stone
Me: ty stone
He smiled and kissed me
I heard yelling and I knew the voice to well
Ben: let me see my sister
Maddie: Ben calm down
Ty: is it ok if they come in
I nodded and saw some baby clothes on the night stand, I grabbed a diaper and the clothes and put them on Sean.
Ben: is she ok
Ty: yes but you don't want to wake the baby so we gotta be quiet
I saw them come around the corner and it was Karen, Ben, Maddie, Eliza, and Lauren.
Maddie: is that the baby
I nodded and looked down at him
Eliza: what's his name
Ty: Sean
Karen: he's beautiful
Lauren: he's sleeping?
Me: yes
Ben: he's handsome like his uncle
I smiled and Sean's eyes started fluttering, they opened and he looked at me and then ty.
Lauren: wow his eyes are amazing
I smiled down at him and he started moving his legs around.
Karen: he's an active little thing
I nodded and smiled, Sean looked at ty and made a face. His eyebrows were furrowed and his lips were in a straight line. I started handing him to ty and he grabbed him with no hesitation.
Ty: hey man
I laid back and watched them, although Ivy did all the work, she used so much energy that I was drained too.
Lauren: what does his pup look like
Me: he's grey
Maddie: when's the next baby coming
Me: not for a little while
Maddie: why
Me: I just had one
Maddie: he's going to need a friend
Me: maybe a little later
I yawned and ty looked at me
Ty: let me find out if we can leave
Me: the doctor told me Sean has to stay and I don't want to leave him
He nodded
Karen: come on everyone, Katy needs her rest
Ben: can I come back in the morning
Me: maybe
He nodded sadly and started leaving.
Me: is he asleep?
Ty: yea
The doctor came back in smiling
Doc: that's a beautiful baby
Me & Ty: thank you
Doc: do we have a name
Me: Sean
Doc: ok and for his wolf
Ty: Tylin
Doc: ok we have some more paperwork but that can wait till the morning, do you want Sean to sleep in here with you
Me: yes please
Doc: ok give me a second
He walked away and came back with a crib, ty took Sean and put him in. Sean started crying immediately and ty picked him back up, he came and sat down beside me and rocked him back to sleep.
Me: he's beautiful
Ty: that he is, just like his mother
I smiled at him and just looked at Sean, I couldn't believe that he was really mine.
Ty: do you want another
Me: yea but not right now
Ty: well just call me when your ready
Me: ok
He leaned back and closed his eyes but I knew he was t going to sleep anytime soon. I picked up my phone and failed his number, it rang and he didn't even look at it he just answered
Ty: I'm with my wife and child it can wait
Me: who is this other women
He opened his eyes and smiled
Ty: you know I'm sitting right here
Me: you said to call when I'm ready
He just smiled and shook his head, I closed my eyes and decided to go to sleep.
I needed to use the bathroom so I got up, Sean was in the crib and ty was asleep in the chair. I used the bathroom and then went to wake up ty.
Me: babe?
Ty: hmm
Me: come get in bed with me
Ty: you sure
Me: yea
He stood up and then got in the bed, I crawled in with him and he wrapped his arms around me. Sean started crying and I got up
Ty: I got it
Me: ty go to sleep I got it
He laid back down and I picked up Sean, he was looking at me and slowly started calming down.
Me: hey baby
He was watching me now
Me: what's wrong? Why you crying?
He started moving his arms up and down and I smiled. I sat down in the chair and I figured he was probably hungry. I started breastfeeding and I had been decided to do this because I heard that it makes your kid smarter and my baby gone be smart today. He drank and then he started going back to sleep but I had to burp him first. I fixed my boob and started patting his back, it took about three minutes before he burped and once he did that I focused on putting him back to sleep. It didn't take long, I don't know why I expected it to since I know that if I was full I would go to sleep. I wasn't tired at all and since it was already 5 in the morning and the sun would be coming up soon that it was pointless to try and go back to sleep. I put dean back in his crib and went to wash up, I got dressed in some sweats and one of Ty's hoodies that I stole. I closed the curtains so the two wouldn't be woken by the sun light. I started getting all of Sean's things together and then with my arms full I made the first trip. It wasn't hard work and since most of the pack didn't get up until like 8 I was being really quiet.
Ben: Katy?
Me: hey babe
Ben: what are you doing
Me: getting ready for Sean to come with us
Ben: can I help
Me: yea but you have to be quiet ok?
Ben: ok
I smiled and then walked back with Ben, we filled our arms and transported the stuff. By the time ty got up everything was moved, including Sean. I was working on moving Sean's crib when he came in. Sean was laying on the bed and I put a border of pillows around him so he wouldn't roll.
Ty: babe why didn't you wake me up
Me: you need rest
Ty: your the one who gave birth yesterday
Me: technically it was Ivy and I heal fast
Ty: you shouldn't be lifting heavy things
Me: I didn't Ben helped me
He looked around and smiled
Ty: you move fast
Me: yea, all of Sean's clothes are at the bottom of the bed
Ty: babe take a break
Me: ty I want to be ready for Sean
Ty: we are ready but your gonna wear yourself out.
Me: Ok
Ty: oh and we will be the only ones living in this house
Me: what why
Ty: I'm having the pack members build up new houses, one for each pack member and their mate. This will be our house and we will hold meetings here, since now all we need to do is break the line the keeps our two packs separated
Me: how do we do that
Ty: it's the worst part but someone of a higher power has to break the line and usually it kills the person

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