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Me: brother?
Damien: I told you he didn't love you
Ty: you know that's not true
Damien: where is my man
Ty: he's-
Me: you can't have him
Damien: then ty can't have you
Me: why do you want him
Damien: he's of importance
Ty: he's in the back
Damien: I want to see
Ryder walked over and his lip was busted
Me: what the hell happened to you
Ryder: ty
Me: why'd you hit him
Damien: I want Ryder on my side
Ty: Katy get over here
I walked over but then I drove my elbow into Damien's temple
Me: Ryder get back in the car
Everyone was back in the car and ty drove off.
Ty: what the fuck Katy
Me: shut up ty and leave me alone
He clenched his jaw but didn't speak again.
Me: are you ok Ryder
Ryder: yea but why'd you do that
Me: Damien's up to no good and if he wanted you to the point where he was going to kill me then your crucial to everything
I exaggerated the word kill because even though Damien probably wouldn't have killed me ty was willing to take that chance.
Ty: Katy I-
Me: leave me alone
Ryder: trouble in paradise?
Me: shut up before I bust your other lip
Ryder: abusive much?
I looked at the window and tried to calm myself down, knowing that anger won't get me anywhere. We pulled up and some guys escorted Ryder back to the holding cells and I walked up to my room.
Ty: Katy-
Me: do you not get what leave me alone means
I grabbed my pillows off the bed and some pajamas
Ty: will you just let me explain
Me: I'm so glad that he didn't really plan on killing me not that you gave a fuck
Ty: of course I do
Feeling pathetic and worthless like I had been told I was at school surfaced.
Me: I totally get it ty. You need me to help you gain power and trust me I'll do that and then I'll be gone
Ty: I don't want you to leave
Me: I'm not a toy, I have feelings and I rather be mateless then be toyed with
Ivy: mateless?
Me: sorry Ivy I'm upset with ty
Ivy: he doesn't love us
Me: no Ivy no one loves us
A tear fell and ty tried to hug me but I pushed him away.
Ty: Katy you know that I love you
Ivy: he does love us
Me: no he doesn't
Me: how can you stand there and lie? Just admit it Tyler you prefer Layla or one of these other sluts and I so get it but just stop fucking with my heart
Ty: I'm not, I don't want anybody else. I just want you
Me: God how long are you gonna keep this up? Oh I love you Katy
I mocked
Me: I'm not strong enough for this. I didn't ask to have this placed on me and I didn't ask to be your Luna and I didn't ask to love you but it all still happened and I can't go back in time but I'm sure I can fix it
Ty: Katy stop being difficult, I love you and you know that I do. I just didn't want to admit to be related to that shit face
I shook my head no and sat down on the floor.
Me: I don't want to do this and I don't want this to be my responsibility
Arms wrapped around me and I just didn't have the fight to push him away. He pulled me into his lap and rocked gently.
Ty: I do love you, I'm glad that your mine and I'm sorry all of this is placed on you
Me: your just saying that because you wanna get laid
Ty: no I'm saying that because it's true. I love you Katy and I get that your hurting and that I'm not really helping but I do love you and soon I'm gonna wanna marry you and so on and so on
I remained silent
Me: so what now
He stood up and sat me on my feet
Ty: now I beg for your forgiveness
He got on booth knees and gripped my waist.
Ty: baby I'm very very very sorry that I'm a jackass and I don't want you to be mad at me because it breaks my heart and I'm gonna work on being an asshole, can you find it in your heart to forgive me
Me: your already forgiven
He stood up and pecked my lips.
Ty: I'm sorry I let my pride get in the way
Me: it's ok
Ty: I love you
Me: I love you too
He kissed me again and the kiss was longer and was deeper and more heated. We ended up falling on the bed and when it got super heated ty started pulling away.
Me: no ty
Ty: what
Me: don't pull away
Ty: I don't think I'll be able to control myself any longer
Me: then don't
Ty: Katy things have-
Me: I know what I want ty
He nodded and kissed me again. He slowly pulled my shirt off giving me enough time to back out
Me: I'm not backing out
He chuckled lowly and started on my shorts. We were both only in our underwear and once those pieces of clothing was gone, well just know that things got extremely sexual and after the first two minutes I loved it.
We're laid down out of breath and panting.
Me: that was good
Ty: I'd say it was great especially for a first timer
I blushed and laid my head on his chest.
Me: I love you
Ty: I love you too and I mean it
I nodded and felt my eyes drooping.
Me: goodnight
Ty: it's morning baby
Me: ssh
I slipped into a beautiful deep sleep and I think it had to do with the fact that the mating process was now complete with ty and then the fact that completing the process was very tiring. Sunlight was shining in my face and I went to block it so I put my hand on my head but something cold came along with my hand. I felt it on my finger and not just any finger it was my ring finger. I sat up and looked at the ring, it was beautiful. Ty wasn't in the room so I stood up and put a shirt and some sweats on and headed out to look for him. I came across Karen's office and heard whispering but I could hear.
Ty: mom I really do love her
Karen: then you need to keep her safe
Ty: she is safe here with me
Karen: the girl still has things to find out about herself
Ty: that's what I'm here for
Karen: yes but let's think, have you two completed the mating process
Ty: yes
Karen: did you use protection
Ty: uh no
Karen: now she has the possibility of getting pregnant
Ty: so
Karen: she needs to focus on everything
Ty: she's strong she could handle it if it did occur
Karen: the chances are always stronger the first to sleep with your mate
Ty: so what
Karen: think about the people of this pack. They are looking up to you and the decisions that you make
Ty: then I'm going to be there, but I want a family
Karen: ok but you might wanna hold off
Ty: I already put the ring on her finger and she should be getting up soon so excuse me I'm gonna go make her some breakfast
I ran away and hid in a closet. I waited awhile and then poked my head out.
Ty: babe it's not nice to snoop
Me: I was looking for you and your conversation was interesting so I just listened for a bit
Ty: ok but I need to ask you something
Me: ok
He got down on one knee and someone gasped but I could only focus on him
Ty: baby I love you, a lot and I know that I've messed up with you a lot but I will try to do better. Will you be mines for forever and always
I nodded and smiled, he stood up and kissed me with passion and a force so great that it was great. I was at a lost of words but I didn't mind.
Layla: are you serious

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