Dream come true

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Me: ty
Ty: I'm here baby
Me: Ivy has control
Ty: I got it
I took over but the pain Ivy was sending me was the only emotion I could get. The waves of pain blocked ty out from mind linking me. Ty's wolf stepped in front of me and I growled, the name of Ty's wolf was Alex. He stepped towards me and I moved. He sat down and cocked his head to the side, Ivy was intrigued enough and allowed me to sit down. He slowly crept towards me, Ivy had her guard up but I was trying to push it down. He laid by my side and looked at me.
Me: see he loves us
Ivy: no
Ivy still had a say in this and scooted away, he only crept closer. Ivy allowed him to be a few inches away but she moved back and I was starting to feel like this was a game
Ivy: why is he following me
Me: he loves you
Alex was creeping up slowly and I kept Ivy distracted.
Ivy: mateless
Me: no Ivy
Ivy: no one loves me
Me: I love you and Alex and ty does too
Alex licked my nose and Ivy stayed where she was. He was still moving towards us, Ivy growled lightly and Alex whined.
Ivy: my mate is sad
Me: yes, help him
She nuzzled her face into Alex, she licked him slowly. When he let her she licked him again. Ivy was getting more playful and risky.
Ty: get Ivy I'm losing Alex
Me: Ivy give me control
Ivy: no
Me: please Ivy
Ivy: why
Me: Alex is sleepy
My theory was destroyed because Alex licked Ivy back.
Ty: Katy
Me: I'm trying
Me: Ivy can I see Alex quickly
Ivy: hurry up
She gave me control and I shifted.
Ivy: you tricked me
Me: sorry
I changed and petted Alex since he was obviously still in control. I was petting him and he laid his head on my lap.
Me: any luck
Ty: no stop babying him
Ty was so rude so I scratched behind Alex's ear and babied him some more.
Me: can I see ty please
You know how when your dog gets went and they shake well that's what Alex did.
Me: please
He did it again and laid on my lap.
Me: I miss him Alex
He didn't respond just laid there. I continued to rub his fur, it felt like
silk. It was warm and soft and had a shine to it
Me: can I see ty so I can tell him that your better
Alex licked me and then a couple seconds later ty was back. I covered my eyes and when ty kissed me I uncovered them.
Me: nice to have you back
Ty: Alex likes you better than me
Me: I like you too Alex
Ty: Ivy is horny
Me: so is Alex
Ty: Ivy is more
Me: no she's just playful
He chuckled and kept walking.
Ty: are you ok
Me: what do you mean
I knew exactly what he meant
Ty: everything that happened
Me: yea I'm fine
Ty: don't lie to me
Me: can you drop it
Ty: no because you're my Luna and I don't have time for a weak Luna
Why didn't he just slap me?
Layla: trouble in paradise
Ty: I can have you dead with the snap of my fingers Layla
Layla: then who would you come to when you need a quickie and your mate just isn't cutting it?
I turned and walked away and went to our bedroom. I closed the door and sat down bit it opened right back up.
Ty: what was that
Me: what was what
Ty: you totally let her disrespect you
Me: it's not being disrespectful if it's true
Ty: you need to get your shit together
Me: I'm not a child so stop speaking to me like I am
Ty: then stop acting like it. I can't have a Luna who doesn't fight for what she wants
Me: Layla fights for what she wants, and I'm sure she wants to be your Luna
I stood up and went to leave but ty grabbed me.
Ty: I don't want her
Me: why because she doesn't have power
Ty: because she's not you
Me: your acting like you don't want me either. I don't want a weak Luna
I mocked him and then walked away. I went downstairs to the lounge and just sat down. Very little people were in here. The door opened and someone I learned to be Brandon walked in.
Brandon: hey Luna
Me: Katy is fine and hi
Brandon: what's wrong
Me: nothing
Brandon: I smell your sadness
Me: I'm not sad
Brandon: should I go get ty
Me: no ty shouldn't be bothered with this
Brandon: ok
We sat in silence and I thought he would leave soon but he didn't
Brandon: I want to know about you
Me: what would you like to know
Brandon: what's your favorite color
Me: purple
Brandon: why
Me: I'm not sure it's just the color itself. What about you
Brandon: I like blue
Me: why
Brandon: it's a hypnotizing color
A low growl was spread through the room.
Brandon: I should go
Me: thank you for keeping me company
He walked out and it was just me and ty.
Ty: let's go
Me: where
Ty: to the room
I stood and walked to the room and sat down. The door slammed shut and I sighed.
Ty: what was that
Me: me getting to know the pack
Ty: that seemed like a little more than getting to know the pack
I sighed
Ty: do not huff at me-
I put my head down and my hair fell over my face, I wiped whatever tears had been falling.
Me: ok ty I won't talk to the members, I will fight the members and I'll be your good little Luna.
I was tired and he wasn't helping. He sat beside me and I moved.
Ty: baby I'm sorry, I'm just stressed out
Me: you've been learning how alphas are supposed to act since you were born, this is all new to me. I want the members to trust me and not only see me as their leader I want them to know I'm a friend as well
Ty: I understand and I'm sorry
He pulled me onto his lap.
Ty: can you forgive me
Me: yes
He kissed me on the cheek and we stayed like that.
Me: when are we going to have sex
Ty laughed and I looked at him a little confused
Me: what
Ty: you were just mad at me
Me: I know but I still wanna know
Ty: whenever your ready
Me: what if I'm ready now
He looked at me and shrugged
Ty: are you bi-polar
Me: no why
Ty: you were mad at me a second ago
Me: but I'm not now
Ty: how about we wait and when your 100% sure we'll do it
Me: your so lame
Ty: your not nice
Me: I'm always nice
Ty: not to me
Me: whatever floats your boat Hun
Ty chuckled and looked down at me. I smiled and snuggled into his chest.
Me: can I take a nap
Ty: yea
He started moving but I wrapped my arm around him.
Me: with you
He stayed and wrapped his arm around me.
Ty: yea
I slowly dozed off and it was one of those naps that makes you want to sleep life away. When I woke up something heavy was on my chest, I opened my eyes and ty was sleeping. I didn't want to ruin the moment so I played with his hair and dozed back off. This is what I always dreamt of, this was a dream come true.

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