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I'm sitting in Eliza's room and her and Lauren keep asking what's up. No one knows I'm pregnant other than Karen, and ty. I try to eat healthy but I always want a milkshake. That's my chest item, I try not to over eat because I want my old shape back once I'm done with being pregnant.
Me: nothing's wrong, I'm just so sleepy
I crawled up on her bed and Lauren was on one side of me and Eliza was on the other. Eliza had a huge bed. I started drifting off trying to ignore how much I wanted ty to be with me. He was doing training and paperwork and some other stuff. I myself had a busy day, I got acquainted with the few members I didn't know, I talked with some ladies and watched tv with the guys and dealt with problems that ty wouldn't do so great at. For example a girl got rejected by her mate so I was helping her cope and everything, I wanted the lack to know they could come to me for anything. I also spent sometime training little kids but I didn't do anything that could resolve in me getting hurt. I had a very full day and I was beat but usually I would still be up and full of energy. I hadn't realized that I was basically asleep and when I did I let the consciousness take over my body. I was out and I didn't come to until I heard Ty's voice but I didn't have the energy to respond.
Ty: she's asleep?
Eliza: yea she had a busy day
Lauren: she was with everyone ate even helped a girl cope with being rejected by her mate
Ty: really
Eliza: yea someone else offered but she said she had experience in that field and people acting like they understand just makes it worst
Ty: well she doesn't have to worry about that ever again
I tried to sit up but in the end I just moved my arm, I just felt drained.
Ty: I'm gonna take her ok?
Lauren: is she ok? She seems different
Ty: she's perfect
I felt arms lift me and when they pulled me into his chest that pang that was there melted away and I went back to sleep. I didn't wake up till later and that's only because I had to use the bathroom, when I finished I walked to ty who was sleeping in a chair. I slightly shook him.
Me: why you in a chair
Ty: your up
He got up and hugged me.
Me: huh
Ty: you've been sleep since yesterday
Me: really?
Ty: yea my mom said that it was ok since your sleeping for Ivy, yourself and the baby but I was worried and decided to just monitor you and then I fell asleep
His thumb was gently rubbing the side of my stomach.
Me: why didn't you wake me
Ty: my mom
I nodded
Ty: you hungry
I nodded and we headed downstairs.
Karen: ty did you wake her up
Ty: no
Karen: ok, did you sleep good
Me: yes
Maddie: Katy!
She came running and latched onto my leg
Ty: maddie
Maddie: where were you
Me: sleeping
Eliza: that was one hell of a nap
Me: Eliza maddie is here
Eliza: oh sorry
Lauren: so we need to talk to you
Me: after I eat
I walked to the kitchen and then turned to ty
Me: I want-
Ty: it's in the freezer
I turned and opened and there was a milkshake in there.
Me: thank you
I took a long sip and then smiled.
Ty: there's spaghetti in the fridge
I twisted my face up and shook my head no
Ty: you can't just drink milkshakes
Me: why
Ty: you need protein
Me: I'll get a protein shake
Eliza: so now you have a shake addiction
Me: no
Ty put some spaghetti in a bowl and it started to look good. When he turned to put the pot back I took the bowl and ate it cold.
Lauren: I thought you didn't want it
I just shrugged
Ty: you couldn't let me heat up
I shook my head no and kept eating.
Me: I want some more
Lauren: Katy you would tell me if something big was happening right
Me: yea
Lauren: well what's going on
Ryder: hello
Me: hi did ty give you your freedom
Ryder: yes in exchange for answers
Me: what kind of answers
He looked around
Ryder: like how I knew you were pregnant
Me: your a seer
Lauren: wait your pregnant
Me: yea
Eliza: and you didn't tell us
Me: well we didn't really tell anyone
Lauren: but you said you'd tell me when something big happens
Me: I was gonna tell you
Eliza: can I touch your stomach
Me: no Ivy won't let anyone, she'll like flinch away
Lauren: even ty
Me: sometimes
Ty: she lets Alex
Ryder: how'd you know I was a seer
Me: I've had my suspicions
He nodded
Me: so that means you also know what the colors of my fur mean
Ryder: yes
Me: so tell me
Ryder: I can't it's not my place
Ivy: hey shift
Me: why
Ivy: I wanna see Alex
Me: Ivy Alex is tired
Ivy: I'm sure he will come out
I groaned and everyone looked at me
Ty: what
Me: Ivy is annoying
Eliza: what she do
Me: nothing she wants to shift
Lauren: what's so bad about that
Me: she's so hostile
Karen: she's only protecting her baby
Karen just be popping up places
Me: I know but she's so mean like she even growls at ty
Karen: she prefers Alex
Me: but I prefer ty
Karen: I can see how that's annoying
I nodded
Eliza: just let Alex take over
Me: that's not all, she's so lazy, she just lays around
Karen laughed
Ryder: can you shift, I want to see her interaction with us
I shrugged and got off the stool and shifted.
Ivy: so many people
Me: relax Ivy
Ty was looking and then started inching forward
Ivy: he's very persistent
Me: yea
His hand was right above our stomach and then Ivy moved
Ty: see
Ivy sees it as a game
Me: she thinks your playing with her
Ty: so should I stop
Me: yea
He sat where I was and turned his back to us
Ivy: I was having fun, tell him to play
She was getting upset so she took the initiative to start, she nudged him and he looked down, he got off the stool.
Ryder: hey ty let Alex take over
He shrugged and shifted. Alex's orange eyes shown bright. Ivy grew all gift and trotted over to him licking his face. Alex was very relaxed and quiet just like ty but Ivy always changed that, he was bossy too. Ivy crawled under him and laid down like she did before Alex just kept watching her and glancing at our friends. He moved and laid down with his head on my side. Ryder moved towards us and Alex was up growling at him.
Ryder: hey calm down
Alex took a step and Ryder backed up to his previous position, Alex laid back back down in his previous position. Ivy snarled lightly kinda as if laughing at him.
Karen: is she laughing
I used my influence to nod, Karen started walking slowly and Alex picked up his head but didn't jump like he did with Ryder. Karen reached out her hand and Alex licked it as if trying to distract her. She waved him off and reached for my stomach, Ivy was getting nervous and nudged Alex. He stood up and lightly pushed Karen back
Ryder: your freaking Ivy out
Karen: can I touch her Alex
Ivy nudged him again and he licked her. It sent a surge of reassurance through us and Ivy let Karen touch us. Eliza grinned and she basically ran towards us, it freaked me out too and before I knew it a snarled left my mouth, it wasn't playful it was sharp and gained Alex's attention who started making Karen back off. He nudged us again and Ivy stood up, she took careful steps towards Eliza. She licked her leg I guess to say sorry but then Ivy trotted off. Alex caught up and stayed along side of me.
Ty: Ivy just doesn't like me
Me: she just sees you as a really big toy
Ty: and Alex is her protecter
Me: yea but that's because he's a wolf, she could kill you when your in human form
Ty: so does she like me
Me: yea but like a toy, her favorite toy
Ivy: I like him a lot
Me: yea I know
She stopped walking and so did Alex, she licked him.
Ivy: that's for ty
Me: that was for you ty
Ty: ok
Ivy licked Alex again and even though he was probably confused he reacted.
Me: Ivy break it up
She licked Alex again and then ran back to the house, when we looked back Alex was still standing there but then he started jogging. I ran faster and then ran into the house and upstairs. I was laying on the floor and waiting, Alex came through and licked me while I was still laying down. Well I guess they're in the mood.

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