Tessie: Aww, Tegan. Are you on the rag?

I instantly tense. Did she just say what I think she said? I turn around and see Garret's head on the counter and his body is shaking from laughter.

Me: Tess, do you know what that is?

Tessie: Yes! Some girl at school told me what it was!

Me: And what's that?

Tessie: A diaper! Are you cranky because you're wearing a diaper Tegan?

No, I'm mad because I'm trying to figure out who my mate is and why my little sister asked me if I was on my period which she thinks is a diaper. But I didn't actually say that to her.

Me: No Tess, that phrase is for some girl on her period.

Tessie: What's a period? I thought those went at the end of a sentence.

Garret must have finally pulled himself together because he answers for me.

Garret: It's when girls get really cranky and overemotional. However, it doesn't happen until you're at least 10 years old. So be happy for the next couple year's munchkin.

My little sister must've given up on the argument because she sat down and started eating some bacon. I continue cooking breakfast for another 10 minutes then left to get ready for school. I really hope that I find my mate by the time my sister gets her period because I really don't know how to handle giving her that talk.


I got ready and was back downstairs within 15 minutes. Just a shower and putting clothes and the other hygienic activities it takes to get ready.

I reach the bottom of the stairs and only hear a faint noise in the background which I would guess was the people in the basement cleaning up.

Me: Ready to go Tess?!

No answer. I know that this house is not that big that she couldn't hear me. Plus, where'd Garret go? I feel like I'm missing someone else too.

I walk to the game room and see Tessie sitting in a recliner section of the couch with her feet up and controller in hand. I look at the screen to see her playing Sims 3.

Me: Where did Garret go?

She never took her eyes off the screen but answered me nonetheless.

Tessie: He left, he said he had to go home and get ready. He told me that he will see you in school.

I nod and glance back at the TV. Her one girl character is walking around leaning backwards. Is she supposed to be pregnant or something?

Me: Well, are you ready to go to school?

She paused the game and saved it. I guess that's one way to get people to use a pause button. I never use it, but that's because I get so into the game that the pause button isn't even an option.

Tessie: Is Dylan going with us?

DYLAN! That's whom I was forgetting. I haven't seen him all morning. I know he went home last night but maybe he came back here to go to sleep or something. He does have a key now.

Me: I'll go check to see if he's here. In the meantime, go grab your stuff and let's go.

I run out of the game room and up the stairs that are in the living room. I walk by Tessie's room, then my own and end up at Dylan's door. I knock lightly and hear no objections. I open it and see that it's empty. Maybe he's out waiting by the car.

The Return to Black Woods (Dragons vs. Wolves: Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now