Chapter 1

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(3rd person)
Griffn and Ashfur. Brother and sister. Hang on as their alone. Ashfur the brother and Griffin the sister . They were tested on as young fox pups and now a mix of, griffon, lion, and fox.

My Their mother abandoned them, and their father took them to Alphys. Alphys raised them like her own along by the help of her friends. Griffin and Ashfur, were 10 and new why they didn't have a mom or dad. They call Alphys and the others family. Ashfur, being Alphys's apprentice and Griffin training with Asgore and Undyne. And with Sans from time to time.

Its peaceful in the underground, Mettaton a star with his new body, Papyrus training with Undyne when she done with Griffin. All is normal.

Then one day, the barrier opens, and all monsters go free. Only Alphys stays to continue a project for w.d gaster and to create a soul for asreil. She goes up to the surface time to time but others wise locks herself in her work.

Undyne is now living with asgore. Considered he practically raised her. Toriel is in a home living with frisk and chara and flowey. Sans and papyrus, live at their own home with Griffin and Ashfur. They are all one big happy family. Mettaton lives with Alphys but stays up on the surface until he needs to charge.

Alphys is now going to move her lab up on the surface.Mettaton and papyrus are good friend.But Mettaton likes papyrus and he likes mettaton back. Let's see how everything turns out now that all the monsters are on the surface....
(This story will be in all characters povs)

(Alphys pov)
"W-wow this p-place is b-big enough f-for my lab! Th-thank you sir!" I say.
The man who's selling this house puts his hand out. I give home a few pieces of my gold and his eyes widen.

I forgot gold is worth more up here than in the underground. "J-just keep I-it." He smiles and walks away.

"This is great Alphys dear! Now we can find and way to get your lab here."
"I have a divice that can teleport my stuff in here mettaton. This house is so huge! I can use the basement for my lab. And we can find you a room in the second story, Mettaton."

"Oh thank you darling!" I smile and walk in the house. I go to the basement and put the divice down. I turn it on and it teleports all my stuff here.

"Alphys?"  "Yes mettaton?"  "Can you.. Upgrade my body... To make it more curved?"  My eyes widen at Mettaton's question. Why does he want a more curves shape?! He already had a nice ass and legs! More the legs!

"Wh-why?!"  "Well... I like Papyrus.. And.. I see him attracted to girls with curved shapes..." I go I him and hug him.

"M-Mettaton, I won't upgrade you for a more curved shape. At least you're not a box anymore. *giggles* but, I will upgrade your system so that you can touch water. And drink it."

"Thank you Alphys. *hugs her* you're the best."  I giggle. "A-anything for you mettaton."

I walk back upstairs and my door swings open. "HELLO! ITS IS I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS! IM HERE TO SEE METTATON!" "I'm right here papy dear! What is it?"  "HELLO METTATON! I WANTED TO KNOW IF WE CAN DO A SHOW TOGETHER! PEOPLE NEED TO SEE HOW GREAT I AM!!"

Mettaton laughs along with me. "Oh I'm sorry Papyrus. It's not today."

"M-me?" Papyrus comes to me. He picks me up and grabs Mettatons hand.
Mettaton blushes and Papyrus starts running to his house.

I laugh along with Mettaton. The surface will be so much fun.
(Sans pov)
Reset. It's killing me. I'm afraid frisk will reset again. (I'm referring frisk as a girl in this fanfic)

I mean, she's acting sweet and all, but I feel that she will reset. "Ok. Open your eyes slowly, and it will just be snow.." I open my eyes. "Or sunshine and butterfly's." I sigh. I stand up and put on my jacket.

I walk out of my room and into the living room. "Frisk? Aren't you living with toreil?"  "I asked to visit you." I smile bigger than I am. Frisk always brings me good company. 

"I'm 15."  "What Frisk?"  "I'm 15 if you were wanting to know." Wow she really is a kid.. "Heh... Wow."  "How old is papy?"  "He's like... We are in our 20s that's all I know. In Human time we are. In monsters paps is around 18 and I'm 21. Here with humans we are in our 20s it's complicated."

She smiles. Ah, that smile. So cute. It's the only reason why I have any sanity left. Mettaton walk In with paps.

"Hey paps?"  "YES BROTHER?" "Did Mettato give you a BONE-r yet? Cause he  gets a metta-TON kinky with you."I say. Frisk start laughing while Papyrus gives me the death stare. Mettaton glares at me while I'm laughing.


I instantly stop laughing. I forgot, I might as well enjoy my time up here. Before frisk resets...

Sorry about this terrible chapter I promise I'll do better :3

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