Addy's mouth widened. She couldn't believe she actually did it. She shouted a little victory, "Yes!" It caught the attention of the werewolves around her. Most of them gave her weird looks. However, she didn't care because that was the first step, she just needed to get the rest of it down. And hopefully, she could get it right before the assassins arrived.

"Okay, now try to get them to glow," Brett instructed. If he was going to help her, he was going to start from the very beginning and do it right. They were going to take baby steps, he didn't exactly know what Addy was capable of, and he wasn't too fond of figuring it out the hard way. Or the painful way.

"That usually only happens when I get really emotional, like angry or something," Addy told him.

"Whatever you focused on to get them to stop glowing: think of it again."

She thought about Liam again: about him running his hands through her hair, when he squeezed her hands, when he left little kisses on her neck, how much she loved it when he nuzzled his head into the crook of her neck. How she felt safe around him, and how he promised to protect her.

"So, what you thinking about?" Brett smirked. Her eyes were glowing, and he could feel the heat radiating off of her. It must have meant a lot to her, or just really got her going.

"What? Um, nothing, really." Addy blushed. She wasn't going to tell Brett that she was thinking about Liam. He would never let her live that down.

"You do know I know when you lie?" Brett raised his eyebrow. He leaned back, resting his hands on the dusty floor. "Besides, it might help me help you."

"I'm not telling you," Addy scoffed. She leaned her back against the wall and checked her phone: no texts, no missed calls. She was almost hurt that her brother hadn't texted her that she wasn't home, but then again, he probably had a really bad hangover. Brayden was the worst when he had a hangover.

"Was it you brother?"




"Uh, your mom?"

"I haven't even talked to my mom in like a month." '

"Ouch. Ah, your dad?"

"My father left us. I don't know who he is, nor do I care."

"Oh, damn, sorry. Um, was it Liam?"

"Ahh." Addy blushed. She couldn't lie to him; he'd know. Addison tucked her head between her knees. God, that was so embarrassing.

"Dunbar? Really?" Brett laughed. Addy glared at him. He could not be serious right now, Liam really wasn't bad. But all he could see was an angry kid who messed up coaches car.

"Yes, Liam. Do you have a problem with that?" she snapped. Addy knew of their past together and how it didn't end well. She should have never asked him to help her. He was just the same person that bullied Liam and looked down upon him constantly. She felt as if she was betraying him by getting Brett's help.

"No. Look, I'm sorry. It's cute, actually. Just please tell me he had the balls to make the first move?"

Addy grinned a little. "Yeah, yeah he did, actually. Even after my brother threatened him." He was a good first kiss, and she wouldn't have wanted anyone else to take her first kiss but him. It was perfect really.

"Good, good. Just focus on him, little details. It'll help when you need to control yourself," Brett said.

"I've tried that. It didn't work." Addy frowned. She couldn't stop last night. Thoughts of Liam weren't helping her stop. She had to do it herself. There had to be another way to control her abilities other than just harming herself until it stopped. She needed to learn how to control it before it got out of hand. 

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