Who Needs a Social Life anyway?

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It's Friday night and your friend calls you hang out. But you're very heavily invested in this great new series and you can't stop right in the middle of it. You must power through. You still have three books left!

Friend: There's this new movie out with (insert actor). Everyone is going. You in?

Me: (You stare longingly at your book) Oh, you know, I would, but I'm kind of in the middle of something right now.

Friend: What?

Me: (You rub your book) You wouldn't understand.

Friend: Try me.

Me: Well, you see, I'm kind of in Idris with Simon, Jace, Alec and Isabelle- oh and there's this new guy named Sebastian as well. We're all looking for this evil villain guy named Valentine. 

Friend: (Sigh and probably an eye roll) You're reading aren't you?

Me: Maybe.

Friend: Can't it wait? It's just a book.

Friend: Can't it wait? It's just a book

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It's never just a book!

Me: Yeah, um...I don't think we can friends anymore. Bye. 

You hang up the phone and you can finally get back to enjoying your book again. So you don't have friends. Who needs friends when you have books? 

Wait, you do have friends, they're just in Idris right now.

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