Chapter 2

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Martin was trying to get his homework done when his doorbell rang.

Martin greatfully stopped what he was doing and opened the door.

"Hey," said Lily.

Martin smiled at her and grabbed his skateboard that was resting right next to the doorway.

"Where's your skateboard?"

Lily shrugged, "It broke... but I just wanted to walk or whatever- my house was getting too noisy,"

Martin had five younger brothers and three younger sisters, so he wasn't too surprised to hear that her skateboard broke again or that she had to get away from the noise.

Most times when he went by her house he wanted to leave quickly as well.

Whenever he went by Lily he would suddenly feel glad that he was an only child.

Martin stepped outside the doorway and pondered for a moment on whether or not he should leave his parents a note.

He quickly decided against it but then ran inside to get the keys before he locked himself outside.

Martin was skating when he decided he should tell Lily what happened in free period.

Or more like who happened in third period.

"Guess who I talked to today?"

"Hmm? who?"


"Sarah? Sarah Jones? You spoke to her?" Lily asked in surprise.

Martin nodded, "We're lab partners remember?"


Martin shrugged, "After chemistry I spoke to her- in our free period,"

"About what? What could you two possibly have in common with each other?"

"Well...she basically knows I'm a writer and is willing for me to write a story about her under the condition that she'll be a nicer person,"

Lily looked at Martin incredulously.

Clearly she thought it couldn't be done.

"She can't be saved Marty- remember the time she made Erin cry? Erin, the toughest chick in school. Sarah Jones is filled with all things mean- like brussel sprouts and beetle juice." Lily commented.

"Don't you think you're exaggerating just a bit?"

Lily shook her head, "No. I never exaggerate,"

Martin thought it was best he said nothing about that last statement.

"Listen, I think there's more to her...I think she's a nicer person than we all think- something...must have happened to her,"

Lily shook her head at Martin, not believing him for a second, "Whatever, just leave me out of this plan of yours,"

Martin nodded, "Ok lilypad,"

Lily stuck out her tongue at him and laughed, "Lend me your skateboard, I want to skate around the block,"

Martin smiled at Lily- sometimes she could be so carefree, it was always a nice thing to see.

He handed her his skateboard and walked quickly beside her, wondering if she was right.

What if he had put his hope in a lost cause?

As soon as he thought it, Martin shook his head- she wasn't a lost cause.

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