Chapter Thirty-Three~

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~~Allen's P.O.V~~

I sat with Carlie pretty often, most of the time when Lavi wasn't there. He wasn't exactly same-old-Lavi, but then again.. he really wasn't. He was the father, to her newborn baby, who literally everyone wanted to see. A lot of people said Chasseur looked like Lavi, others said Carlie. I saw both. But, he was still Chase. 

Komui came almost three times a day to see the little giggly kid. Then again, so did I. Lenalee and Krory came often too. Miranda came every now and again, but was too scared to ever hold him. Kanda stayed day and night with her and usually didn't want to hold Chasseur. He did once or twice, but I hadn't seen him do it. 

Even as a mother, Carlie still looked as pretty, and I still loved her. I wasn't quite sure if our time as a couple was over because Lavi was back. It hurt a little bit on the inside when I thought about it. Like she just wanted someone to help smooth things over for her, until Lavi could pick up the pieces again and put her together. When I asked her about it, she just stayed quiet and a look of sadness washed over her face, mostly her eyes.

I currently sat beside Carlie, and she held Chase. She was asleep, and Chase was cradled in her arm. She looked peaceful in her sleep. Like nothing could bother her.

My head lolled down to the side as sleep took over and I passed out for a while. When I woke up again though, Chase was crying and squirming. Carlie's arm had fallen limp, and Chase was lying on his stomach in her lap, in a completely harmful way to his breathing and posture. I carefully picked him up and wondered why Carlie wouldn't wake up. I shook her arm gently, but whe nI got no response I shook harder. Still nothing. She was sweating a lot and her face looked very red. What the hell is wrong with her? I cursed mentally and shouted at her to wake up. Chase was still crying. Of course this just happened to be when Kanda was eating. Fancy that. 

I put Chase down very gently in the chair and continued shaking Carlie. 

"Carlie, wake up! Please, wake up!" I kept shouting. Eventually she just fell limp and fell over on the bed. She was still breathing though. I just couldn't tell what was wrong.

Carlie... please wake up..


Another short chapter.. Sorry guys! My head has been killing me these past few days. >< This story is, however, coming to an end. =( I've started 2 new stories though! And Ouran, Choosing, and one of my own.. a murder/mystery story, Absolutely Mad. I will love you guys fowever if you read those for me, and tell me what you think so far, X3 Until next chapter~ and we find out what is up with Carlie. <3

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