Chapter Fifteen~

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~~Allen's P.O.V~~

I don't know which was worse; searching for clues to the Noah incident for hours, or working with Kanda. Miranda and Lenalee split apart from us to look on the other side of town. Krory and Carlie stayed with Lavi in the hotel room. They'd called us earlier saying he'd gotten a lot better, but he should rest for a little while longer, to be safe. I agreed, and now Kanda and I were trudging home, tired from looking all day and finding nothing. The rain beat down on us hard and we held our jackets over our heads.

"Hey guys." Carlie greeted as we entered the room. Lenalee and Miranda were already there, drying off by the window. Lavi was in bed eating some soup. He definitely looked a lot better. I sat on the bed beside him as Carlie handed me a towel.

"Feeling better?" I asked him as he slurped up some of the broth from his bowl.

"Much." He answered and smirked as Kanda returned from the bathroom. "Watch this." He whispered and stood up to hand the empty bowl to Carlie.

"Thank you." He thanked her quietly before pressing his lips against hers in a quick peck, making sure Kanda saw. I knew Lavi didn't know of my feelings for Carlie and he wasn't rubbing it in my face, but I still felt a small twinge of some pain in my stomach. Kanda was scowling at Lavi, clenching a fist around Mugen's handle until his knuckles were white, Carlie's face turned slightly pink, Lavi sported a playful smirk, Krory was gaping at him, Lenalee was giggling, Miranda glared at the floor, and I just stared at them. Everyone in the room had some reaction to that.

Lavi sat back down beside me, laughing to himself.

"You're an idiot." I said with a smile.

"Maybe, but she likes me for being one." He smirked as Carlie sat beside him.

"Did you guys find anything?" She asked as he wrapped an arm around her waist.

"No, we didn't. We were looking all freckin' day and didn't find anything." Kanda answered, obviously getting testy with Lavi's clear teasing with Carlie.

"Ah, we'll find something tomorrow. Hell, we may even find those Noahs." Lavi said with confidence.

"Whatever." Kanda replied as he massaged the back of his right shoulder.

"Oh, I got you some stuff for that." Carlie said, getting up and handing Kanda a small, clear bottle with some translucent liquid in it.

"It looks like water." Kanda remarked as he looked closesly at the bottle.

"Believe me, it's not.." Lavi replied, a look of disgust on his face.

Kanda drank some from the bottle and immediately dropped it, shattering the glass and spilling the liquid everywhere.

"What the hell!" He roared and wrapped his arms around his body. I stepped forward from reflex to help Carlie pick up the shattered pieces of glass before Kanda, throwing a fit now of pain, stepped on her hand. We heard a loud 'crunch' sound and Carlie screamed, holding her hand. Her fingers were dark, dark red -almost purple- and definitely looked crushed. Kanda immediately stopped, seeming to feel better, and knelt beside her. Tears were forming in the corners of her eyes, which she squeezed closed. I threw away the glass before kneeling beside her as well. Lavi was in front of her, holding her hurt hand and looking at it carefully.

"Huh, Kanda didn't need Mugen to hurt her pretty bad." He joked dryly.

"Shut up Baka Usagi." The raven haired exorcist said coldly.

"Yep, well, your fingers are broken." The red headed bookman apprentice announced as he tried to move her middle finger. She cried and squeezed her eyes tighter.

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