Chapter 1

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{Character in picture: Cara Delevingne as Olivia "Liv" Hawthorne}

{Song in video: George Thorogood And The Destroyers - Bad To The Bone}

"Honey, you've got to get ready for school," my mom said as she walked in my room and turned on the light.

I groaned and put my head back under the covers. It was 5:30 in the morning and I wasn't at all a morning person. I already hit the snooze button twice. I had to wake up this early because I'm starting senior year at Chatswin Boarding School in Oxford, England, which is approximately an hour away from where I live, London. I've been going to the boarding school since freshman year.

A minute later, I got up from my bed, showered quickly, and picked out a white muscle tank, gray skinny jeans, a black leather jacket, and black and white converse. After fiddling around with my hair for about ten minutes, I decided to wear my honey blonde hair down. When I was done, I went to my suitcase. I already had most of my clothes and stuff packed in my suitcase but I still checked it to make sure that I had everything I need.

I went downstairs to eat two fried eggs, sausage, and a piece of toast. My younger brother, Samuel "Sam" Hawthorne, had already eaten before I got there. He was starting his first year as a freshman at Chatswin Boarding School. I gave him a small smile and said, "Are you excited to start school at Chatswin?"

He grinned at me. "Yeah! It sounds like fun," he said giddily. He wore a gray collar shirt and black jeans, which was surprising because he usually wore baggier clothes. His brown hair is also a few inches longer than it was at the beginning of summer, it was all flippy and what not. I guess he wanted to make a good impression.

"Okay kids time to load up the car," my dad said to us. Me and Sam went back to our rooms and brought our suitcases to the car. "You sure you have everything, Liz?" he asked me.

"Yes dad I have everything," I replied and rolled my eyes. Each time I pack to go somewhere, he continually asks if I have everything.

"Is everyone ready?" my mom asked and me and Sam nodded. "Let's get in the car then!" We got in the car and drove off. For the next hour, I leaned my pillow against the window and took a nap; meanwhile, Sam was playing on his Nintendo DS.

I woke up as we arrived to the school. "We're here, we're here!" Sam exclaimed, pointing at the school.

"This is the first time I've ever seen you excited for school," I said, giving him a half-smirk.

He shot me a look. "This school is different." We got out of the car and unloaded our suitcases and bags.

"Well...I guess this is it," my mom said, looking slightly teary eyed. My dad gave her a sympathetic look and gently put his hand on her shoulder. "Liv, I want you to help Sam around the school and make sure he's alright."

"I will," I said, holding back from rolling my eyes.

My mom started to cry a little. "It's okay Bethany," my dad said, reassuring her. "We're only an hour away from the school. They're going to be fine. Liv has been going here for almost four years now."

She smiled a little. "I know but I'll miss them so much." She gave us a big bear hug and kissed us on the cheek.

"I'll miss you too," Sam said.

"Well we've got to go," my dad said. "Can't be late to our jobs. I love you two and try not to get in too much trouble." He winked at us and gave us a hug and kissed our foreheads.

The NemesisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora