Chapter 7. Victor

Start from the beginning

Would the leave the matter alone and not interfere anymore with their group or would they cause trouble?

Thesequestions wouldn't answer themselves. Turning to his friends he asked.

"Did you get the name of any of them?"

Nathan and Kota looked down with embarrassment, without answering, while Luke and Gabe looked on slightly amused that their friends had been so distracted that they forgot to gather information.

Sighing resignedly Victor told them, "Never mind, just point them out to me when you see them and I will do the rest." and ran his fingers through his hair feeling the beginnings of a headache. He hadn't quite recovered from the long weekend yet and was still feeling emotionally exhausted.

Zoning out of the conversation going on around him he was startled when the bell rang for the start of class. Looking up he was met with Kota's concerned eyes. The boy seemed like he wanted to say something to Victor, but changed his mind and got up to head to class, all the other guys following behind him.

He knew... Victor thought. Kota was very observant and he could tell that something was wrong with him.

Sighing, Victor stood up and went after his friends.



"Miss Sang."

Looking up from my homework I am faced with steel gray eyes, watching my every move. Owen's gaze has a way of unnerving me because I feel like he can read my mind sometimes.

"Mr. Blackbourne." I greet him teasingly, reminiscent of how he made Gabriel call him in the infirmary.

Raising one eyebrow at my daring he gives me a millimeter smile to show his amusement of my sudden use of a more formal manner of address and sits down beside me.

"Someone is feeling very sure of herself today." He comments.

Looking up at him, because even sitting by my side he is still taller than me, I question. "What do you mean by that?"

"Nothing, it was just an observation."

"Do you like observing things, Mr. Blackbourne?"

"The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes." He quoted.

"Sherlock Holmes: The hound of the Baskervilles, from Arthur Conan Doyle." She commented.

Smiling again at her knowing of one of his favorites books, Owen told her, "Indeed Miss Sang-whatever-your-surname-is, that was the correct book I quoted from, and as for your question, yes, I do like observing all things around me. I believe this leads to a large accumulation of interesting knowledge, don't you agree?"

Already knowing where this conversation was going, Sang felt a mixture of trepidation and excitement along with relief. "Perhaps, tell me, what have you learned from your more recent observations, Mr. Blackbourne?"

"I have the suspicion that a little bird is trying to maneuver a trio of dogs into adopting a bunch of stray pups." He says quite seriously.

Trying to look innocent she looks at him and says. "I don't think I understand what you are talking about."

The look he sends her is a command to spill the beans and she immediately obeys. "Well... Maybe I do know... so, what did you think of Gabriel today? He has four other friends who are very... interesting." She rambles nervously, raising her finger to her lips.

"I find that Mr. Coleman has an incredibly disturbing vocabulary and is lacking in manners." He comments as if this was the most important aspect from his observations. Her sudden giggling is his reward. Smiling at her for a little before he become serious again he continues with his observations. "I also find that he has quite a few shadows hiding in his eyes. It's a look that I've learned to associate with abuse and pain, and considering that you are very interested in this group of boys and already led three out of five to me and Sean, I am guessing that you are trying to tell us that they are all suffering and need help."

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