"I did not hear them say that."

"They've said it."

"They didn't."

"But they will." I was so fucking confused on what the hell just happened. "About Estelle, she's a difficult chick. I can tell you when you're stuck in shit and why, but I can't always tell you how to fix it."

"Okay then... am I stuck in shit, why or why not?" I say sitting down on the couch.

"No, but you're getting there. Estelle has a temper. So don't talk to her unless she talks to you first. Don't start a conversation, if she wants one she'll start it. If she's blames you, you're the blame even if you're not. Besides that all I can do is wish you the best of luck." He stood up and patted me on the back. Although he didn't realise he gave me advice, but he didn't tell me why I was stuck in shit, he just told me what I could do to get out of it.

"Hey, Kyle, you seen the movie Hitched?" I ask him.

"No, why?" He asks.

"You're acting just like him."

"What the fuck are talking about, James." He sounded confused and annoyed.

"Its a movie on Netflix, watch it and you'll know what I'm talking about."

"Yeah, I'll see if my date tonight wants to watch it."

"I recommend for you to not watch it with a girl." I say.

"Why? Is it porn?"

"No! What the fu-it's just watch the damn movie."

With that he left, and his "students" left a mess.


"... and that's how we're going to take him down, once and for all." I smirk.

"But we keep the girl alive?" Nick asks.

"Yeah, I'm kind of mated to her now and there are something I need to be satisfied."

"Wait, I'm confused. If the blond chick is your mate, but the girl you're mated to now is your brothers mate, and you're still mated to the blond, then who is James mated to?"

"Listen, Nick, by the time we finish this plan, James won't see another person ever again."

"And why are you so hell bent on killing your brother?" Nick asks, I was already confused, but he helped confuse me even more.

"Because his mate killed our sister."

"But I thought you said his mate is now your mate, and that she killed your sister." He stopped for a moment. "Yeah explain."

"She did kill my sister. So I'm punishing her with the mark, and giving her a front row seat to her ex-mates death." I smirk.

"But why do you want to kill James? You completely skipped over that question." Nick pulled on his hair until they formed two devil on his head.

"My uncle wanted James to become Alpha, and James left the pack with his human father when our mom died."

"So you want to kill him, because you're jealous?" He asked questionablely.

"I'm not jealous, its just I stayed loyal while he ran off, but he wanted him as alpha."

"That jealous bro."

"I'm not jealous."

"You don't want to admit it, but you're jealous, thats why you want to kill your own brother. So you can tell your uncle he had a tragic accident and died, so you can become alpha."

"That's all right, except I'm not jealous."

"But you are! I mean, like you're saying it you just don't want to believe it."

"Another word Nick, and I'll kill you."

He sat down and mumbled, something I didn't quite hear. "What was that?" I ask.

"I said I liked it better when I was human."

"But I didnt know you when you were human." I say in a obvious tone.



I sent the guys home after a day of a hard mans work, giving advice is a lot harder than it sounds, you have to use kindness and then you have to find it somewhere in your heart to pretend that you care. Then after I pretend like I care I have to be me, which some girls refer to me as an asshole or dick or bitch whatever makes the feel better after I kick them out my house in the morning.

"Hey, Kyle, I really do thank you today. Patty, is going to love to me tomorrow."

"No problem Erik," I say nicely patting his shoulder. I then pick up my beer, "now get the fuck out my house and I'll see you tomorrow."

"Oh-ok." He was to close the door behind him but stopped.

"Why the fuck haven't you left yet!?" I whined like a ten year old who didn't get what they wanted.

"Its me, Jay."

I still groaned, I want these desperate horny bastards out my damn house. "Wassup bud?"

At this point I had to open the that door to fake care and listen to what he has to tell me. "I found my mate."

"Congrats, Jay."

"But he rejected me."

"Wait, you're gay?" I ask him, last time I was friends with a gay guy he tried to kiss me and I had to knock him out. He hasn't spoken to me since.

"I guess, I don't know. I was going into subway to get me a meatball sub, and he looked at me and left saying 'get the fuck away from me', I need help."

"Sorry, Jay I know about girls, the only thing I know about guys are that there's gentleman, dicks, and smart ones. If you want to deal with rejection go to my friend James. He's been rejected plenty of times, even by his mate, I'm pretty sure he has tip or two." I chuck half my beer. "Now get the fuck out my house."

He got up and grabbed his leather jacket. "James is the guy house that we went over to today, right?" He asks.

"Yes!" I yell as aggravation and frustration work together to have my voice dominant and superior.

As soon as he left I locked the door and plopped on the couch, Emily took a raincheck on me tonight.

So about that movie James was talking about.

My Brother My MateOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora