I looked over my shoulder, through the opaque section of curtain separating the balcony from the main house, "I'm out here honey."

I could here the smile in his voice, "do you like it?"

"I love it. Its soothing."

I raised my glass to my lips.

kadens soft footsteps echoed through the air as he approached me. 

The curtain parted slowly.

He froze, "you do realize if my heart was still pumping blood through my veins you would have just sent me into cardiac arrest, correct?"

I giggled lightly. "you know I always wondered about that, if your don't have pumping blood how does you uh..get it up?"

He chuckled deeply, "your beauty is enough to make miracles happen?"

I snorted. "I didn't take you man virginity so we both know that isn't true."

"medical mystery then. how can we still talk but not breathe? how do we even exist?"

"I exist because of you. before you, I wasn't anyone."

"you were always Calla, but you were a wildflower before just waiting for someone to come along and discover you."

Damn I want to fuck him.

He plucked his own glass from the railing, "as completely unsexy as it sounds I would much prefer your blood."

"I don't know, you sinking your teeth into me sounds sexy as hell...the way it arouses me in seconds."

"you say that as if you are not already aroused."

I looked over my shoulder again to smile at him."touche."

He chuckled, taking a sip of his wine as he drank me in, "that color is beautiful on you. It matches your eyes at the moment."

my lips parted, "oh..are they?.."

"mmhm, they tend to get that way when you want me, my blood and my touch. only flickering back when you get what you want." He prowled closer brushing my hair to one side of my neck, chest against my back as he whispered in my ear, "whether that be me inside you or your fangs deep in my flesh, I only get to see those beautiful blues when you get what you want. Personally, I think its a fair trade, and quite pleasurable."

I turned so I could kiss him, "I know this is the part where I am supposed to pounce on you like an animal in heat but...would you make love to me? Like our first time, when I was still human and you touched me like I was fragile and beautiful. I love the dominating kink you have baby I do...but you said romance and I want..."

it was his turn to kiss me, with a softness and a love I like to think everyone could have.

I like to think what we have, the rest of the world can too, that its not as rare as they say.

"I have no intention of anything less, there is a time and a place to be rough with you. Now is not one of those times. not when you are sitting here looking at me like that. looking so beautiful and so fragile."

fingers skimmed my waist and over my breast. I arched into his touch just as he pulled away, "Kaden.."

"come on inside pet."

"no..I want it here with the sounds of the waves around us, the ocean air on our lips  and the stars above us."

"then here it is, you can have me anywhere baby, anytime so long as you smile at me when we're through."

Kaden lifted me from the railing, pulling me close and sealing his lips over mine, murmuring about how beautiful I was between kisses.

Fingers caressed every inch of skin, bunching up the silk I was wearing to reach more.

slowly I started to remove his clothes little by little.

I wasn't long before my dress fell to the floor, there both of us following after.

Luckily Kaden was always the more practical one. 

I was so ready to have him in my arms, to feel him I would have dove right in.

But Kaden doesn't believe in having children before marriage. 

He's old fashioned like that.

I kind of liked it, the whole 'only my wife will bear my children' thing, it showed care and thought.

Even if I just wanted to get started on those five or so children he did want, I wanted to see him as a daddy. 

I wanted to be his wife first. Our first child to be the product of our honeymoon.

So I was grateful for his practicality. 

Grateful for the way his lips pressed against mine and how he murmured words of his love as he pushed inside me.

Moaning softly as he moved against me, touching, caressing, kissing all my sweet spots.

Even when I closed my eyes I could only see him, feel him.


I laughed a bit, curling against Kaden, our legs tangled in the sheets. 

he made me come inside after he gave me what I wanted, pulling the blackout curtains in front of the sheer ones.

Something about sunlight and death.

either way it just hit me, "hey Kaden?"

he cracked an eye open, "hm?"

"you know how you said if it was beating I would have stooped your heart?"


"it would of made us even you heart stopper you."

He laughed. "Love you too baby."

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