"Okay." Louis would nod and they'd continue to walk. "So what now?"

"I have to ask you something." Harry told him. "But let's go sit down somewhere. My legs will die."

So they did. They sat down at some tables of two. Louis looked at Harry, expectantly, and Harry smiled back. "So, what was it you were gonna tell me?" Louis asked. Harry giggled and leaned forward, Louis leaning forward too.

"Close your eyes." Harry tried to hold back a giggle."

"You're gonna ask me something while I'm closing my eyes?" Louis asked while chuckling. "What's going on, Harold?"

"Please! Just close 'em!"

"Ask me the question first." Louis raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Well, okay." Harry sighed. "I was gonna ask if someday you'll give me that friendly kiss on the lips." He couldn't stop it, he giggled and Louis stared with a dumb-founded face.

"Harry. We've talked about this. There are no friendly kisses on the lips." Louis sighed. "Just for boyfriends."

"So I can only give 'em to Niall?" The younger boy asked and the older one nodded. "That is so unfair!"

"If you kiss me, you'd be cheating on Niall."

"I'm not a cheater."

"Exactly." Louis sighed while smiling and running a hand through Harry's curls. "I have a question for you." Harry leaned on Louis hand and smiled a cute dimple smile.

"Okay." Harry nodded.

"A-Are you sure you like Niall?" Louis hesitated but asked.

"Um. Yeah why?"

"Because . . . Never mind." Louis sighed again and the other boy nodded.



Niall and Harry ate quietly. Niall would wink at the boy or send him a Niall Horan Smile. Harry would just smile back and continue drinking his soup. But, the blonde one couldn't stop but notice his usual smile wouldn't make his boyfriend blush anymore.

"Harry. Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. This soup is amazing." He sighed happily. "It makes me wanna take it and place it on a bottle so it could be my everyday drink."

Niall laughed softly and stared fondly at his boyfriend. "You're so perfect." He'd say.

"Thanks!" Harry smiled. "You too."

"So, how was your day until now?"

"Well." Harry giggled and Niall stared in fondness. "I had to go to the mall and hang out with Gigi and Gem's and watch them try outfits for Gigi's date tonight. It was so boring." He sighed dramatically. "But then I saw Louis at the Adidas store and he hang out and everything and it was so much fun." Niall nodded while he tried to hide his jealousy.

"Why is Louis always with you?" He asked.

"Because, he's like the great." Harry said like it was so obvious. "And he is like so funny and amazing and perfect and his hair is soft and his eyes and blue but sometimes turn greenish and –."

"Okay that's enough." Niall faked a laugh. "He's great." He then rolled his eyes. "I'm not."

"No! Of course you are great." Harry tried when noticing he had rambled about his friend not boyfriend. The one he had almost kissed. What so wrong about kissing a friend, though? He asked himself. Niall just looked down at his food and played with his fork on it. Oh no. Oh no. He thought. "That's why I love you." Oh no... Harry stiffened.

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