However, she didn't know how she could do it or why she could. It had to have been a part of what she was, but everyone was still confused on that part. She felt lost and desperate in hopes to find the truth about herself. Everywhere they turned to seemed to be leading to another dead end. It was frustrating. 

They reached an old building, a loft of a friend Scott had mentioned. Apparently, he knew more than any of them about different supernatural creatures and if someone was going to know what she was, it was going to be him. Scott led her up the rusty elevator. Addy was worried it might actually break.

"Lydia told us to meet us here. She's with Parrish."

"The deputy?" Addy cut him off. She had seen the deputy at the school when they arrested Garrett. Scott nodded and continued on. He briefly explained that he too was on the deadpool and had someone trying to kill him. No one knew what he was either but he was trying to figure it out just the same as she was. 

"She didn't say much, but she thinks Derek can help," Scott explained. Addy hadn't talked to Lydia that much. She knew her, of course: everyone knew her. The brunette had no idea who the other guy was, Scott had mentioned him a few times but she barely knew anything about the mystery man. 

"Who's Derek?" She had no idea who these people were, and she felt the need to know everything and everyone that was involved in her new life. There was still so much she needed to learn and who better to get it from - the born werewolf himself. Once a beta, alpha, and omega, he had been through it all. 

"He's like me, sort of. He's a werewolf. He might be able to help you," Scott explained. The elevator dinged, and they stepped into the large loft. Lydia, Parrish, and this Derek character stood there. He was fairly tall, but what lacked in height was made up with muscle. He had this dark look, but Addy would bet actual money he was really a teddy bear.

"Derek, this is Addison," Scott introduced the two as they joined the small circle. Addy stuck out her hand, which he had shook. 

"I like to go by Addy," she told him. Addison was too long and too formal. The introduction was cut short as Lydia explained what happened the deputy. Addy was a little shocked by the news. He had been locked inside a police car and burned alive - yet he was still standing. Whatever he was, had to be similar to her if they could both withstand fire. 

"Give me your hands," Derek told him. Parrish slowly put out his hands, and Derek examined them, flipping them over multiple times. He finally glanced up at the confused deputy. "He covered you in gasoline?" He was a little surprised as to how he had no burn marks or any damage whatsoever.

"It's the hair and nails, isn't it? The parts of the body that are essentially dead?" Lydia butted in. Parrish was perfectly fine, and he really shouldn't have been. But neither should Addy. Scott hadn't explained to Derek what happened at the hospital. He barely knew himself, Liam had done his best to explain but he was in shock from it all. 

After he got examined by one of the doctors, who were baffled as how he came back to life, Melissa told her son what Liam told her. Addy was on fire, and she didn't really remember it that well. Everything came to her in bits and pieces and she couldn't put it all together no matter how hard she tried. All she could really remember was the pure rage she felt. 

"Well, they should be gone."

"I was set on fire. All of me should be gone!" Parrish exclaimed. He was confused about everything. He knew he was on some sort of deadpool, and was worth five million dollars. But everything about this was baffling. It came to shock to him, just as it came to Addy and Liam. 

"Not if you're like us," Scott cut in. He had to be supernatural if he was on that hit list.

"Like you?"

Up In Smoke → Liam Dunbar [1]Where stories live. Discover now