Chapter 2

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a/n: The song used in this one is Hurricane - 30 Seconds to Mars. It fitted the story well and, you know.

Also: I don't own anythink but the Plot, blablabla, there will be some artworks coming that belongs to me, like the cover. You know the drill.


So you walked pass the giant door into the cold and snowy woods. Gently cracks could be heard from the snow under your feet. Like always a chilly wind blow through your soft, (h/c), hair making it dance in the wind. No footsteps were seen in the snow which was odd for you, since most of the time Frisk would run out before you leaving a path of small footsteps in the snow.

Frisk is still in the ruins, you remembered as you inhaled the cold winter-air. Slowly your hands went to your pocket. Deep inside your head a song started to play. Somehow you associate this one song with your life, or better to say some parts of the song.

Tell me would you kill to save your life?

Tell me would you kill to prove you're right?

How many times did you ask yourself these questions without answering them? You couldn't tell anymore. There were way too many times. On the one hand you did it; you tried to kill to save a life, not yours but the life of your friend. Mostly you killed Chara by killing yourself. On the other hand you tried to show Chara that your way was the only one by trying to stop Frisk as Chara was in her.

But after all your affords your HP always sunk to 0 and a new reset took place. On and on and on - a never-ending circle.

No matter how many deaths that I die, I will never forget

No matter how many lies I live, I will never regret

And there were many deaths you have died and still you're here, walking through the same woods as always on the beginning of your journey. What first was an adventure turned out to be a nightmare. Only the memories from your good timelines kept you going on. In every night you would cry to yourself like you did before in Toriel's house. The bad memories were to hard to take at nights where everything is quiet. You can't even imagine how Frisk must feel. She is only 8 god damn it! If something would happen to her you would... you would....


Do you really want me dead or alive to torture for my sins?

Do you really want me dead or alive to live a lie?

You could tell Chara knows... like everything about you. The way you feel about your sister, your friends and of course how you feel about Sans. When it was in your body it somehow felt like it really was a part of you, like it was your desire to test your limits. At first you went along with Chara, not really seeing what's wrong whit it. But as it tried to kill Papyrus and you couldn't move your body on your own it was clear what a monster – no – what a demon Chara really was.

Small tears formed in your eyes as you remembered the first time you murdered Papy... You remembered the way Sans yelled at you too stop joking as you brought him the last thing that Papyrus left behind.


At the beginning of the 'No Mercy' routes with Chara sometimes you could control your body and this was such a moment. You could see the hate and hatred in Sans' eyes. And for the first time you whished yourself death. Which came some days after – through Sans. It was the first time he killed you and you could tell, he was crying that time. What did you expect? He just lost ALL of his friends and his dear brother. As he talked to you it seemed like he would still care about you. But you had to little DETERMINATION to stand against Chara. In your inner you were screaming, crying, even begging to not hurt him. Thank to you Chara got distracted and Sans could end your misery.

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