She got up from the bed and as she stood, she was instantly uncomfortable and sore all over. She furrowed her brow.

"Damn nightmare got me sleeping all wrong.." she muttered.

She made her way into the kitchen and couldn't help but gasp when she saw that it was nearly two in the afternoon. Louis would be so proud of her. He always teased about how she was the queen of punctuality and never slept late. Something was definitely off about this day.

She shook it off and opened the fridge, knowing she needed to eat something since it was so late in the day. She grabbed a frozen dinner and threw it in the microwave. When it was done cooking, she sat it on the table and took a seat. She stared at it and realized she had no appetite at all.

Eleanor sighed and got up from the table, leaving the steaming food untouched on the table. She went to her bedroom and sat on the bed, only thinking of Louis. The events of her dream just wouldn't leave her mind. She wanted nothing more than to just be with him in every way possible.

As these thoughts flooded her mind, she heard her phone buzzing over on the nightstand. It continued to buzz as she held it in her hand and ironically, it was Lou who was calling. 

She quickly answered the call. "Hello?"

"Hi, love." Louis said on the other end.

"Lou, hi." she responded sweetly. "How are you?"

"I'm pretty good, I suppose." he said blankly. "But what about you? How're you?"

Eleanor smiled, happy just to hear his voice again. "I'm doing just fine...I miss you just a teeny-tiny little bit, but I'm alright."

They both shared a light laugh together.

"How is everything?" she asked.

"It's great, actually. We just got into Paris." he responded.

"Awh, is it lovely?" she gawked.

"Yeah, yeah...It's pretty nice. It'd be so much better if you were here with me, though.." he admitted. "We've had some great memories here together."

"Well, maybe someday soon we can take a little trip there again." Eleanor suggested.

Louis smiled to himself and responded. "I can't wait for that day, love."

"You know, you've actually been on my mind lately. I can't seem to shake you out of my head." she laughed.

"Hm. Well I guess that means I'm doing something right, eh?" he teased.

"Oh sure, sure. Whatever you say.." she lightly laughed. "So, are you ready to perform tonight?"

"Uhh, yeah.." he retorts without emotion.

"What do you mean? Why do you say it like that?" she responds with curiosity.

"I dunno...I guess I'm just getting a little homesick. I miss you...and I'm tired." he confesses to her.

"Tired?!" she laughs. "Louis, you're barely even a month into a world tour. I mean come on, you can't possibly already be given out.."

"Well believe it. I am." he says lightly.

"Okay..well, just keep me on your mind. Maybe that'll keep you calm and collected during all of the madness you're enduring." she suggests to him.

"Yeah, or maybe it'll just turn me into a lovesick puppy dog like you make me do sometimes." he says, smiling.

She blushes and laughs. "Oh hush...that is not even true."

"It is! I swear it." Louis responds.

Everlasting: a One Direction/Eleanor Calder fanficWhere stories live. Discover now