Epilogue: "You'll be the cutest whale ever though!"

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*Seven years later*

I walked into the room to see a beautiful young lady dressed in a white dress. Her hair was done up so that it wouldn't fall in her face on the most important day of her life, but it might soon because she was hopping up and down like a crazy person. Taylor was overly excited to be marrying Nate and even more now that Sara had told everyone that she and Will were going to have a baby.

"Do you now the gender yet?" I heard my gorgeous girlfrind of seven years ask as she came around the corner in a light purple bridesmaid dress. Nate had choosen the colors, since Taylor felt like she had to include him. Of course, Nate being Nate had choosen his college colors and been proud to tell everyone that's what it the color was for.

"No, we won't know until our next appointment, but I think it will be a boy." Sara said as she looked over her beach ball sized belly. Will coudln't wait to find out the gender of the baby, they had names lined up and everything. They were still my favorite couple, except for Ali and I of course, but even sometimes above us. They were just too perfect for each other.


"I don't know. That's just what I feel. Just like I feel that I'm going to look like a whale in the next few  months." Sara complained as she rubbed her swollen stomach and cooed to the baby growing inside of her. She had a soft glow around her, and Will was even more over protective than he was in high school now that he was protecting two people.

"You'll be the cutest whale ever though!" Taylor said as the make-up artist finished her make-up and turned around to show everyone her completed wedding look. Taylor and sara were happy about being step sisters, but Taylor liked to take it a little too far sometimes with the sibling teasing.

"Yeah Sara, listen to Taylor. Plus, Will is always going to see you as a beautiful young lady, even if you do resemble a whale."

"Jace Collins!" Sara shrieked as she tried to get up. When she couldn't do it as quickly as she would have liked, Ali took the pleasure of hitting me in the back of the head.

"Sara Andrews!" I mocked her tone.

"That wasn't nice." Ali said as she lightly kissed my lips and sent butterflies into my chest.

"But it was worth it. Sara, Will sent me to get you so you could walk down early. He wants to make sure that you make it down slowly, but on time."

"That boy needs to relax, I'm not that fat yet that I waddle."

"Like a penquin." Taylor said, poking fun at her maid of honor as she waddled out of the room. I heard Sara mutter under her breath and I'm sure if it wasn't Taylor's wedding day she would have said it louder for Taylor to hear.

"We will see you down stairs soon Taylor." I said as I shut the door behind me.

"I know what you're planning." Sara said as soon as the door was shut.

"Oh yeah, what am I planning?"

"There's a ring in your pocket. I'm sure it's just gorgeous." She said flashing her own rings at me with a knowing smile.

"How did you know?" I asked as I raced toward the elevator and pushed the button before she could. Sara glared at me for a moment before she started rubbing her stomach again.

"You're bad at hiding things. Plus I've been married for five years." Sara stated matter-of-factly. She and Will had gotten married a year after college so that they could both land on their feet before starting wedding planning. They both got jobs and Will entered the reserves, then a year later we recieved out invitations and watched them walk down the aisle.

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